
Keep your .nvmrc upto date with your package json node engine

Primary LanguageJavaScript


npm i -D package-node-to-nvmrc


package-node-to-nvmrc was designed to run as part of a pre-commit hook to avoid the lack of consistency caused by the need to manually keep this:

// package.json
  "engines": {
    "node": "14.17.0"

and this, in sync:

# .nvmrc


We recommend using husky v6 to do this. Once you have installed husky, create a pre-commit hook in your project line with their documentation.

Navigate to the pre-commit file (inside a .husky directory in v6) and add the following line to the file npx package-node-to-nvmrc && git add .nvmrc.

An example of a full file with only this package to be run would look like:

. "$(dirname "$0")/_/husky.sh"

npx package-node-to-nvmrc && git add .nvmrc

Ensure you have your engine declared in package.json, and commit your changes. You should see an .nvmrc is generated, added and committed as part of the process.