pdfMetadata is a python script that gets and displays metadata from PDF files.
pdfMetadata can extract data from one PDF file or for all PDF files in a directory (scans recursively).
- Python3
- PyPDF2
- colorama
python3 -m venv pmvenv
You only have to do this the first time
- Linux/macOS
source pmvenv/bin/activate
- Windows
You have to activate the venv every time you want to use it
pip install -r requirements.txt
You only have to do this the first time
python3 pdfmetadata options
usage: pdfMetadata [-h] [-t [log_file.txt]] [-c [log_file.csv]] [-a] ARGUMENTS [ARGUMENTS ...]
Scan pdf files looking for their metadata.
positional arguments:
ARGUMENTS file[s] or path[s] to scan pdf files
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t [log_file.txt], --txt [log_file.txt]
Saves the output into a plain text file.
-c [log_file.csv], --csv [log_file.csv]
Saves the output into a csv file.
-a, --show-all Shows scanned non-PDF files.
In case of any problem create an issue
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