Tecnical test

Testing you tecnical skills

  • General programing concepts questions (verbal)

Code test

Create an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) 
- Create a login page with options to create user if none exists. Use nicknames to identify the user.
- Create a chat room, where you load message history and show incoming messages real-time.
- Create a text box to write messages.
- Messages should show sender and time information. 
- Chat integrations: Create a bot with Giphy or Youtube that recognizes the following command in the text box: 
    - command format: /youtube_or_giphy <string> 
    - Look up string in the corresponding API. Suggest gifs or videos depending on the input string and the chosen API. Add funcionality to select video/gif and send it through the chat.

Frontend, use the following stack:

- Javascript
    - React
    - Redux
    - Thunks/Saga
- Html/Css (Material ui, Boostrap, Tailwind Css, etc)
- Testing (Bonus)

Backend, choose between any of the tools below:

- Application:
    - Python (Django, Flask)
    - Node.js (Express, NestJs)
    - Firebase or similar (Optional)
    - Testing (Bonus)


- Deploy your app to any free platform such as Heroku, Netlify, Vercel, etc.

To apply for the job you must ...

- Fork this repository. 
- Make a PR with the url to your application.