
Shooter game is a project built using JavaScript and the game engine Phaser. In order to learn how to build games with Phaser 3 and Webpack 4 the last version I did follow some tutorials and customize a previous example for building this amazing web application, the goal of this game is to kill different enemies shooting them and after finishing the two stages get a final score compared with other players score. Every stage increases the speed of how enemies appear.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Shooter Game

Web application using phaser to create a game

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View DemoReport BugGetting StartedInstallingAuthorInstructions to play the gameHow was designed the game

Shooter game is a project built using JavaScript and the game engine Phaser. In order to learn how to build games with Phaser 3 and Webpack 4 the last version I did follow some tutorials and customize a previous example for building this amazing web application, the goal of this game is to kill different enemies shooting them and after finishing the two stages get a final score compared with other players score. Every stage increases the speed of how enemies appear.

Getting Started

This project was built using Javascript 6, Webpack version 3, and Phaser 3, it is a web application and for running on your local environment you should follow these guidelines.


  • Javascript 6
  • Webpack 4
  • Phaser 3
  • Babel
  • NPM


The project repository can be found in GitHub link or just clone the project using this command.

Using SSH 

# git clone  https://github.com/rubenpazch/shooter-game.git


# git clone  git@github.com:rubenpazch/shooter-game.git

  • Open terminal on your workspace with
cd /home/workspace/shooter-game


Install NPM

Check that you have node and npm installed

To check if you have Node.js installed, run this command in your terminal:

node -v

To confirm that you have npm installed you can run this command in your terminal:

npm -v

install npm and node using command lines

sudo apt update
sudo apt install npm
sudo apt install nodejs

Local Installation Webpack

To install the latest release run the following commands:

npm install --save-dev webpack
npm install --save-dev webpack-cli

Global Installation Webpack

The following NPM installation will make webpack available globally:

npm install --global webpack

Now you can make changes on src files to change the behavior of the application

finally, if you want to run and compile the code run this command

npm run start

After running the above command you will see in your console like a log of activity if everything is ok you will see something like this:



if you have this in your screen that minds everything is working correctly now you can go to the browser with the next link:


Run tests

Run the test suite to verify that everything is working correctly:

npm run test

If the test suite passes, you'll be ready to run the app in a local server:


To deploy to heroku first login in heroku

# heroku login

Create a new project in heroku

# heroku create

You can verify that the remote was added to your project by running:

# git config --list | grep heroku
# git push heroku master

Migrate your database

heroku run rake db:migrate

Tools used on this project

  • Visual Studio Code
  • Stylelint
  • Jest
  • Babel

Watch the Live Version

click on the link to watch live version

Instructions to play the game

We have two stages on this game, every stage increase the speed of how fast enemies appear.

1st. Welcome Scene

  • The welcome scene where everything starts, this is the first windows you will see on the game before you start playing on the game.


2nd. Add your information

  • In the second scene we have the option to add our name to the game and this information will be saved on the applications to track your score.


3rd. Playing scene

  • This is the third and the main scene where we have all the logic for the game, we have our ship and some enemies ship, meteors and others, we can shoot the enemies pressing space.


How was designed the game

This game was designed thinking on the famous movie star wars, specifically on the movie released on the year 1980 "The Empire Strikes Back", the main idea is about having a shooter and some enemies.

The Planification 💢

This game was developed in 5 stages:

1 stage

In the first stage, we work on the learning process to user Phaser and how to integrate this framework with Webpack.

2 stage

During this stage, I spend some time working on searching some free elements and assets needed to customize the game, then I spend some time building the tutorial related with this game and understanding most of the features.

My goal for this day was to have done most of the tutorial and start making changes, it was hard to understand some details about the code used on the example after I had a better idea about the code I start to customize some assets according to my story.

3 stage

At this stage I spent some time building the scenes for the welcome and the scene for entering the name information of the player.

4 stage

This was a very particular day where I spent time trying to refactor some code and work on customization of the game functionality.

5 stage

On the last stage I spend time doing more refactoring of the code and in parallel, I work on test cases, finally I did the readme file.

Genres 💢

FPS: First-person shooters: this game build thinking in one person to be the shooter and increse his score if he is able to kill all ship enemies.

With that said, this is a game for one player, the only player has to move around the board and shoot as much as possible enemies, this game is supposed to have different stages, every stage will have different difficulties related with the speed of how enemies appear, how fast they move around in the board vertically, finally we have some enemies with the ability to follow the player.

In-Game Terms 💢

Difficulty: This game starts from easy and increases the difficulty on every stage, each stage increase the velocity of vertical movement and how fast these elements appear on the board.

Game Over: The player should shoot the ship enemies and as soon as the player is shooted by the enemies the game is over and he has a final score, the game can be started again at this point.

Hit Points: Every time the player shoot and enemies it counts as a point and the score increase, the final score is compared with other players to get a higher score.

Map/level: Each stage represent a different level on the game, the map does not change when the different stage is open.

Game Mechanics 💢


This game is based on the use of the keyboard to move around the board and shoot The enemies using space, the player can move the ship using these keys.

  • W : To move up
  • S : To move down
  • A : To move right
  • D : To move left


For shooting the enemies the player has to press space.


The player can restart the game again after he is dead, this means the player was shooted or hit for an enemy.


they are 3 types of enemies

  • Static enemies (Meteors)
  • shooter enemies
  • shooter enemies with the fast movement
  • Enemies that follow the player until they get hit the player

Gameplay 💢

This game is based on stages, the player starts on the first stage, in this point, the speed of enemies are slow, on the second stage the speed increase and enemies appear faster, every enemy has the possibility to hit the player and some of them are able to shoot, the game finish when the player is shooted or hit.

Score System 💢

Every time the player is killed, the game calculates every result and shows on the game overview which results was a higher score.

Technical details for the scoring system

For saving and calculating the higher score we use an API to save every result of the game when the player types his name on the game this information is saved using the API, and as soon the game is over this score is saved and then we get all result to compare the higher score.


👤 Ruben Paz Chuspe

🤝 Contributing

This project was created for educational purposes as part of the Microverse web development curriculum; contributing is not accepted.

Feel free to check the issues page.

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  • We thank microverse inc. for this learning opportunity.
  • Build a Space Shooter with Phaser 3 tutorial
  • Beginner’s Guide to Game Mechanics design a game
  • Creating a Phaser 3 Template – Part 1 design a game