
PaSe is a Haskell animation library based on compositional animation design. The basic building blocks are parallel and sequential composition of animations.

Primary LanguageHaskell

PaSe (/peɪs/) is a Haskell animation library based on compositional animation design. The basic building blocks are parallel and sequential composition of animations.

Quick Start

In PaSe you build animations in a compositional fashion. This means that we start from atomic animation elements and build larger animations with combinators.

Atomic Animations

Atomic animations are the indivisible units of animation which specify how the application state should change over a period of time. A simple example is the linearTo animation, which changes a property over a specified duration to a target value. The property is specified with a lens, the duration in seconds and the target value with a Float.

For example, linearTo (player . x) (For 1) (To 300) moves the player's x value to 300 over a duration of 1 second.



Parallel composition expresses that two animations should start playing at the same time. For example, moveX `parallel` moveSheet will play both the moveX and moveSheet animation at the same time.


Sequential composition expresses that after the first animation is done playing, the second animation will start playing. For example, swing `sequential` minusOne will first play the swing animation and after that the minusOne animation.


Demos and Examples

Examples and demos are inside the PaSe-examples/ folder.


Assets used in the demo application.