
Drupal template for developers, completely editable

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Drupal DEV template Docker 🐳


This is a template for a Drupal 10 development environment, extremely editable and easy to use. It is based on Docker and Docker Compose, and it is intended to be used with a local development environment.


Getting Started 🚀

Clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/rubensantibanezacosta/Drupal_dev_template_docker.git

Go to the project folder:

cd Drupal_dev_template_docker

Open the permissions of the web folder so that Docker can write in it:

  • Linux:
sudo chmod 777 -R web
  • Windows powershell:
    • Open the command prompt as administrator
    • Run the following command:
icacls web /grant "everyone:(OI)(CI)F" /T
  • Windows UI:
    • Right click on the web folder
    • Select properties
    • Go to the security tab
    • Click on the advanced button
    • Click on the change button
    • Select the user or group you want to give permissions to
    • Select the permissions you want to give
    • Click on the apply button
    • Click on the ok button

Delete the .git folder:

rm -rf .git

Initialize your own repository, renaming the current branch to main:

git init
git branch -m main
git checkout -b main
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git remote add origin YOUR_REMOTE_GIT_URL
git push -u origin main

Configure your local environment:

cp .env.example .env

Edit the .env file and change the following variables.

  • By default, the database is configured to use MySQL, at the moment, it is the only database supported. If you want to use another database, you will have to change the docker-compose.yml file and the .env file. In the future, I will add support for other databases upon request.

  • By default, the Drupal installation is configured to use the default english language, but you can change it to spanish by changing the DRUPAL_LOCALE variable to es. If you want to use another language, you will add the corresponding language .po file to the ./drupal/config/translations folder, and change the DRUPAL_LOCALE variable to the corresponding language code. In the future, I will add support for other languages upon request.

    # MySQL variables
    # Drupal variables

You can also add extra modules to the Drupal installation by adding reference in composer.json file, and the name of the module in the extra_modules.txt file, or simply add the name of the module in the extra_modules.txt file if Drupal already has the module in its repository. The modules will be installed automatically when you run the docker-compose up --build command. Separate them with a line break. For example:

For adding Pathauto module:

  • Add the following line to the composer.json file:

      "require": {
        "drupal/pathauto": "^1.11"
  • Add the following line to the extra_modules.txt file, and separate it with a line break:


To start the environment, run the following command. The first time it boots, it takes a few minutes to install everything needed, be patient:

docker-compose up --build

To stop the environment, run the following command:

docker-compose down

Prerequisites 📃

The things you need before installing the software.

Usage 💻

When you run the docker-compose up command, the following containers will be created:

  • Drupal: The Drupal container, which contains the Drupal installation.
  • MySQL: The MySQL container, which contains the database.

The Drupal container is configured to use the following ports:

  • 8080: The port where the Drupal site will be available.

The MySQL container is configured to use Docker's internal network, so it is not necessary to expose any port.

When you initialize the environment, the default Drupal installation will be downloaded and installed. You can access the site at http://localhost:8080.

The project is configured to install site on the first run, so it will skip the installation process if you run the docker-compose up --build command again, but you can add more modules after the first run following the instructions in the Getting Started section, and it will install them automatically.