
A parser to convert pdf to results for Lifesaving Rankings

Primary LanguagePHP


This project is superseded by competition-parser-lumen.


A parser to convert pdf to results for Lifesaving Rankings

Dependency for Lifesaving Rankings

Project overview

The program starts in application.php. This file is executed from the command line and takes 1 required argument: a configuration file. This configuration file contains info like competition name, date, name format and time format.
The first step in parsing the results is converting the file to lines of text. The script then loops through each line detecting what kind of information the lines stores. This could be an event, a time or something else.



Both php7 and composer need to be installed.


  1. Use composer install to install dependencies
  2. You'll need a local database. The only way to do this is to setup the main project Lifesaving Rankings
  3. Copy the .env.example to .env and edit its contents to reflect your environment
  4. To execute the program, use php application.php competitions/example.yaml


Because every results file is set up differently, every competition needs its own configuration file. There are some required values in these files and values from the config.yaml file in the project root can be overwritten in competition config files.


This is the filename of the results. The script will search for this file in the competitions directory.


The competition name.


The competition date. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. If a competition is on multiple days, use the first day of the competition.


The location of the competition. If the location is unknown use Unknown in this field.


This value is not used on LifesavingRankings.com but is required in the script. Use 1 for electronic timekeeping, 2 for hand clocked times and 0 if the type of timekeeping is unknown.


The parser config contains all information about where and how data is can be found in the file


Sometimes lines are not readable after converting a pdf to text. Use one of the following options to convert the lines.

Value Effect
name-yob-club-time When these 4 values are displayed on separate lines, this line conversion will move them to one line.
name-yobclub-time When these 3 values are displayed on separate lines, this line conversion will move them to one line.
name-time When these 2 values are displayed on separate lines, this line conversion will move them to one line.
time-name When these 2 values are displayed on separate lines, this line conversion will move them to one line.
club-time-name When these 3 values are displayed on separate lines, this line conversion will move them to one line.
striptags Strips tags.
remove-nicknames Removes all text between parentheses (example). Very specific to one competition
w-space In HY-TEK results it is common that spaces are inserted after a W when converting to text. Use this value to remove the space.
name-yob-club-time-time When these 5 values are displayed on separate lines, this line conversion will move them to one line.
jauswertung In Jauswertung competition, event names may be displayed below results. This moves the event name above the results
move-events-spain-to-top Same as jauswertung but for Spanish results. Not very stable.


This value determines which times included in the database. Possible options are: first, last, all or an integer that is used as index.


In most results, gender and event names are on the same line. If that's not the case, set this value to 1.


formats describes in what formats names, times and year of births can be found. For possible regexes, see config.yaml in the root of the project.


If a competition has multiple rounds (eg. finals) use this value to specify what the rounds are called and what weight they get. The higher the round number, the more important the round. A finals should get the highest round number.