A wrapper to let RBiz eCommerce solution live inside of a Radiant installation.
- If you're starting from scratch, create a new instance of Radiant CMS.
radiant my_store
- Install this extension to the vendor/extensions directory of your Radiant.
cd my_store/vendor
git clone git://github.com/rubidine/radiant_rbiz.git extensions/radiant_rbiz
- You're going to need the named_scope plugin as well, grab that.
git clone git://github.com/metaskills/named_scope.git plugins/named_scope
- There's a number of submodules you'll need, so pull those in.
cd extensions/radiant_rbiz
git submodule init
git submodule update
- Create your database and run migrations for radiant, radiant_rbiz and rbiz
cd ../../..
mysqladmin -u root create my_store_development
rake db:bootstrap
rake radiant:extensions:radiant_rbiz:migrate
rake cart:migrate
- There are a couple of initializers that need to be copied over from radiant_rbiz to the radiant instance, so run the rake task.
rake radiant:extensions:radiant_rbiz:initializers