
An easy plugin to add users into your rails app.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


A framework for user interactions.  There is a User model that handles
all the knowledge about a user (login, email, verification status, etc)
and a Session model that is stored in the session to associate a user
with access to the site.

Authentication is layered on top by other plugins.  See 
user_system_local_credentials for an example.

== Setup
rake user_system:migrate

== Requires
view_extender: http://github.com/xtoddx/view_extender/tree/master

== Testing
Be sure you add the required gems to config/environments/test.rb

  config.gem "thoughtbot-factory_girl",
             :lib    => "factory_girl",
             :source => "http://gems.github.com"

  config.gem 'mocha'

  config.gem 'test_spec', :lib => 'test/spec'