
open files via http in emacs (evil-mode)

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

opener.el — open urls as buffers

  • opener: https://melpa.org/packages/opener-badge.svg
  • evil-opener: unreleased

opener.el is a small package that provides the user with the ability to open files from http-like sources directly inside an Emacs buffer. This means that if the URL in question gives string hints to be a plaintext file, that isn’t automatically being rendered into a pleasant representation, like for example html files are, it will be opened inside an Emacs buffer.

The current main example for this is opening URLs that yield XML or JSON responses, which are potentially even gzipped (think sitemaps for example).


  • for opener:
    • request
  • additionally for evil-opener:
    • evil


evil-opener hooks into evil-mode and provides an :opener[!] FILE-OR-URL ex-state command. Use it the same as you would use :edit[!] FILE, with the added benefit that you can open urls.

This package also hooks into evil to redefine the gf normal-state command. It now can perform the same tasks that :opener could perform on file or url at point.

For more detailed information please consult the evil-opener.info file.

Opener can also be used without evil. To do that require the opener package instead of the evil-opener package. More information can be found in the opener.info file.