
Primary LanguageJava

zola - Spring boot + Swagger UI + Embedded H2

Option 1: To run the application from cmd prompt ( Prerequisites: Java 8, Maven )

mvn spring-boot: run

Option 2: Download the project and import to Eclipse IDE and Run as Java Application.

To test the application, Use any Swagger UI or any Browser REST Client.

For Testing on the Browser

#1. Insertion of Invoice #URL: http://localhost:8080/v1/invoices #header: Content-Type: application/json #METHOD: POST #Request Body: { "invoice_number":"ABC12352", "po_number":"X1B23C4D2E", "due_date":"2017-03-15", "amount_cents":100000 }

#2. Search of invoice(s) by invoice_number or po_number criteria, supporting pagination by #limit and offset. This will return the list of invoices matching the criteria sorted by #created_at from newest to oldest. #URL: http://localhost:8080/v1/invoices?po_number=C4D&invoice_number=ABC&offset=0&limit=5 #header: No header #METHOD: GET