
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Messing around with WebAssembly, Go, and Web Workers (and maybe Partytown)

Followed this as a starting point and then have veered off from there.

Get up and running

Creates a build file (lib.wasm)

GOARCH=wasm GOOS=js go build -o lib.wasm main.go

That build file is served to browser when you start the go server on localhost:8080

go run server.go

Future ideas

[ ] Figure out how to compare JS vs. Go sorting of a large number of items, and display the progress in the browser with WASM manipulated element with a progress bar or something [ ] Cleanup styling and code [ ] Use web worker to run JS sorting so it doesn't block main thread [x] setup a basic worker running JS script [ ] setup Partytown and test out JS script running in there