
Generating md5 hashes in pure XSLT

Here's what we got:

Example xml file(s) to be transfromed to xhtml

The suite of stylesheets used for the transformation.  The only sheet
you need to worry about is print.xsl

The master stylesheet.  The template "rdfa" is where my RDFa magic
happens.  I've commented the section where I imagine the md5 function
to be called.  

Example result of transformation, assuming all the md5 shiz happens as hoped.

FWIW, here's the other end of this:


The pvn:primaryProvenanceOf property links to the xhtml/rdfa finding
aid, which is what we're generating with the transformations and the
md5'd name generates the URI to link back from the xhtml/rdfa representation of
the collection to the person on the Archival service.