Source Code for "Zero Time Waste: Recycling Predictions in Early Exit Neural Networks"

Paper link:

The repository is split into two parts: supervised learning experiments (directory ztw) and reinforcement learning experiments (directory ztw_rl). The supervised learning code is based on the code from the Shallow-Deep-Networks paper.

To run the experiments:

  1. Preferably, install a conda environment with Python 3.8: conda create -n ztw_env python=3.8 swig=4.0.2.
  2. Activate the environment with conda activate ztw_env.
  3. Install the dependencies from the requirements.txt file into your python environment with pip install -r requirements.txt.
  4. Set up a account and create a project.
  5. Set the NEPTUNE_PROJECT and NEPTUNE_API_TOKEN environment variables.
  6. Optionally fetch the TinyImageNet dataset. (Note, however, that the original link to that dataset is not valid anymore.)
  7. To run the supervised learning experiments, cd into the ztw directory and execute the ./experiments/ script.
  8. To run the reinforcement learning experiments, cd into the ztw_rl directory and execute the ./scripts/ script.
  9. To generate the plots use the notebooks from the ztw/notebooks and ztw_rl/notebooks directories.