
First weekend assignment

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Tic-Tac-Toe Weekend Project

Tic Tac Toe


Build a Tic-Tac-Toe game incorporating the three web app technologies you've

worked with this week:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

Minimum Requirements

  • Display an empty tic-tac-toe board when the page is initially displayed.
  • A player can click on the nine cells to make a move.
  • Every click will alternate between marking an X and O.
  • Once occupied with an X or O, the cell cannot be played again.
  • Provide a Reset Game button that will clear the contents of the board.

Getting Started

  • Create an index.html page.

  • Create and include in your index.html page, style.css and script.js


  • Start by writing the HTML and CSS that displays a 3x3 grid and the

    reset game button.

Suggested Model

Programs, including games, are frequently focused on manipulating data and

displaying that data to a user. Decide on the data structures, held in

variables, that will maintain the state (data / status) of the game. This is

known as your game's model.

While it's not neccessary, it may be easier to model the board using a 2-D

array (aka nested arrays). Then, you can use your own version of a reverse

Cartesian Coordinates (think row & column).

For instance:

var board = [
  [_, _, _], // this code will break, b/c _
  [_, _, _], // is not a valid data type!
  [_, _, _]  // choose your own data types instead!
  1. _ is a placeholder. How would you represent blank, X or O here?
  2. Hint: how would you check for a winner?


  • Using id and/or class attributes will help you wire up your click events

    with JavaScript - using these will help you manipulate your css properties,

    such as color, sizing, or borders.

  • Locate the element first to use it within your app. Think about using

    document.getElementById, document.getElementsByClassName or something

    similar to locate your target elements. Try this in your console to make sure

    your selection works.

  • After finding the elements, start writing logic to listen for click events on

    those elements. Using a single listener with event bubbling is recommended

    but not required.

  • Use functions for code that needs to run multiple times.


  1. Display whose turn it is ("X" or "O").
  2. Provide win logic and display a winning message.
  3. Provide logic for a cat's game (tie), also displaying a message.
  4. Add your personal touch with unique styling.


DOM Events


W3 School's Docs on the DOM

MDN Docs on the DOM