
Load and Transform data on cloud storage service.

Primary LanguagePython

IBM Cloud Object Storage (IBM COS)

Captura de Tela 2020-07-10 às 16 09 39

IBM Cloud Object Storage is a cloud storage service. Client applications use the S3 API interface to write objects to IBM COS. This project worked with IBM COS using python programming language. So, used IBM COS SDK for Python Documentation.


You’ll notice that the credentials aren't working because are fake ones.

cos = {
  "apikey": "fake-apikey-b6ZTDS18TDMOoLgTyU",
  "iam_serviceid_crn": "fake-serviceid-crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam-identity",
  "endpoints": "https://control.cloud-object-storage.cloud.ibm.com/v2/endpoints",
  "ibm_auth_endpoint": "https://iam.cloud.ibm.com/"

Quick Usage

Docker Build

Build an image called data-ibm:

$ docker build -t data-ibm .

Docker Run

Run the image data-ibm:

$ docker run data-ibm


In this project, we have three main features.

  1. Upload CSV files to bucket;
  2. Merge these files;
  3. Put files on bucket.


Now that you're more familiar with this data-ibm-cos repository, go ahead and clone it.