Terraform Module - Azure Cloud Cluster Elastic Storage Deployment

Terraform module which deploys a new Rubrik Cloud Cluster Elastic Storage (CCES) in Azure.


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There are a few services you'll need in order to get this project off the ground:


module "rubrik_azure_cloud_cluster_elastic_storage" {
  source  = "rubrikinc/rubrik-cloud-cluster-elastic-storage/azure"

  azure_location        = "West US2"
  azure_resource_group  = "Rubrik-CCES" 
  number_of_nodes       = 3
  azure_cces_plan_name  = "rubrik-cdm-90"
  azure_cces_sku        = "rubrik-cdm-90"
  azure_subnet_name     = "private-subnet"
  azure_vnet_name       = "private-vnet"
  azure_vnet_rg_name    = "Company_VNets"
  azure_sa_name         = "rubrikcces"

  cluster_name          = "rubrik-cloud-cluster"
  admin_email           = "build@rubrik.com"
  admin_password        = "RubrikGoForward"
  dns_search_domain     = ["rubrikdemo.com"]
  dns_name_servers      = ["".""]
  ntp_server1_name      = ""
  ntp_server2_name      = ""


The following are the variables accepted by the module.

General Settings

Name Description Type Default Required
azure_location The region to deploy Rubrik Cloud Cluster nodes. string yes
azure_resource_group The Azure Resource Group into which deploy Rubrik Cloud Cluster resources. string yes
azure_resource_lock If true, enables Azure's Resource Lock on the Rubrik Cloud Cluster nodes. bool true no
azure_tags Tags to add to the resources that this Terraform script creates, including the Rubrik cluster nodes. map no

Instance/Node Settings

Name Description Type Default Required
azure_cces_vm_size The virtual machine size of the Rubrik Cloud Cluster nodes. CC-ES requires Standard_D8s_v5 or Standard_D16s_v5. string Standard_D16s_v5 yes
azure_cces_plan_name The Azure Marketplace Plan Name/ID of the CCES image to deploy. See the README.MD file of this module for information on finding the plan name. string yes
azure_cces_sku The SKU for the Azure Marketplace Image of CCES to deploy. See the README.MD file of this module for information on finding the SKU. string yes
azure_cces_version The version of CCES to deploy. Use 'latest' to deploy the latest available version. Note: This only applies to the version within a SKU. string latest yes
azure_key_vault_name The name of the Azure Key Vault to create, into which the CCES private ssh key will be stored. string [cluster_name] yes
number_of_nodes The total number of nodes in Rubrik Cloud Cluster. int 3 yes

Network Settings

Name Description Type Default Required
azure_subnet_name Name of the Azure subnet to deploy Rubrik Cloud Cluster into. This subnet must be in the VNet that is defined in the 'azure_vnet_name' variable string yes
azure_vnet_name Name of the Azure Virtual Network (VNet) to deploy Rubrik Cloud Cluster ES into. string yes
azure_vnet_rg_name Name of the Resource Group of the Azure VNet that is defined in the 'azure_vnet_name' variable. string yes

Storage Settings

Name Description Type Default Required
azure_sa_name The name of the Azure Storage Account to create for Rubrik Cloud Cluster resources. string yes
azure_sa_replication_type The type of replication to use with the the Azure Storage Account for Rubrik Cloud Cluster. string LRS yes
enable_immutability Enable immutability on the S3 objects that CCES uses. Default value is false. bool true no

Bootstrap Settings

Name Description Type Default Required
cluster_name Unique name to assign to Rubrik Cloud Cluster. Also used for EC2 instance name tag. For example, rubrik-1, rubrik-2 etc. string yes
admin_email The Rubrik Cloud Cluster sends messages for the admin account to this email address. string yes
admin_password Password for the Rubrik Cloud Cluster admin account. string RubrikGoForward no
dns_search_domain List of search domains that the DNS Service will use to resolve host names that are not fully qualified. list yes
dns_name_servers List of the IPv4 addresses of the DNS servers. list [""] no
ntp_server1_name The FQDN or IPv4 addresses of network time protocol (NTP) server #1. string yes
ntp_server1_key_id The ID # of the key for NTP server #1. Typically is set to 0. (Required with ntp_server1_key & ntp_server1_key_type) int 0 no
ntp_server1_key Symmetric key material for NTP server #1. (Required with ntp_server1_key_id and ntp_server1_key_type) string no
ntp_server1_key_type Symmetric key type for NTP server #1. (Required with ntp_server1_key and ntp_server1_key_id) string no
ntp_server2_name The FQDN or IPv4 addresses of network time protocol (NTP) server #2. string yes
ntp_server2_key_id The ID # of the key for NTP server #2. Typically is set to 1. (Required with ntp_server1_key & ntp_server1_key_type) int 1 no
ntp_server2_key Symmetric key material for NTP server #2. (Required with ntp_server1_key_id and ntp_server1_key_type) string no
ntp_server2_key_type Symmetric key type for NTP server #2. (Required with ntp_server1_key and ntp_server1_key_id) string no
timeout The number of seconds to wait to establish a connection the Rubrik cluster before returning a timeout error. int 15 no

Login to Azure

Before running Terraform using the azurerm_* or azapi_* data sources and resources, an authentication with Azure is required. Terraform Module for AzureRM CLI Authentication provides a complete guide on how to authenticate Terraform with Azure. The following commands can be used from a command line interface with the Microsoft Azure CLI to manually run Terraform:

az login --tenant <tenant_id>

Where <tenant_id> is the ID of the tenant to login to. If you only have one tenant you can remove the --tenant option.

Next before running this module, the subscription must be selected. Do this by running the command:

az account set --subscription <subscription_id>

Where <subscription_id> is the ID of the subscription where CCES will be deployed.

Accept the Azure Marketplace Agreement for CCES

In order to deploy Cloud Cluster ES from the Azure marketplace two things must happen. First the marketplace agreement for the specific plan must be accepted in the subscription where Cloud Cluster ES will be deployed. Second the azure_cces_plan_name and azure_cces_sku variables of this module must be updated with the correct information.

One method for accepting the Marketplace Agreement is to use the Azure CLI. To do this the SKU of the Azure Marketplace Plan for CCES to use must first be identified. To do this run the command:

az vm image list-skus --location <location> -p rubrik-inc -f rubrik-data-protection --output table

Where is the Azure Location code for the region where CCES will be deployed. Example:

-> az vm image list-skus --location westus2 -p rubrik-inc -f rubrik-data-protection --output table
Location    Name
----------  --------------
westus2     rubrik-cdm-60
westus2     rubrik-cdm-70
westus2     rubrik-cdm-80
westus2     rubrik-cdm-81
westus2     rubrik-cdm-90

Tke SKUs in the output will represent the major and minor version numbers of the various Rubrik CCES releases. For example rubrik-cdm-90 represents Rubrik CDM v9.0.x. The specific maintenance release will be selected later on. select the SKU name for the version of CCES that you plan to use.

Next the plan name for the SKU that has been selected must obtained. Generally with CCES the plan name and the SKU name are the same, however, it is best to check in case they do differ. To do this run the command:

az vm image show --location <location> --urn rubrik-inc:rubrik-data-protection:<SKU>:latest --query plan.name --output tsv

Where is the Azure Location code for the region where CCES will be deployed. Where is the SKU that was selected from the previous step.


-> az vm image show --location westus2 --urn rubrik-inc:rubrik-data-protection:rubrik-cdm-90:latest --query plan.name --output tsv    

Next the Azure Marketplace Agreement must be accepted. To do this run the command:

az vm image terms accept --offer rubrik-data-protection --publisher rubrik-inc --plan <plan_name> --output jsonc

Where <plan_name> is the name of the plan that was collected in the previous step.


az vm image terms accept --offer rubrik-data-protection --publisher rubrik-inc --plan rubrik-cdm-90 --output jsonc  

  "accepted": true,
  "id": "/subscriptions/<Subscription_ID>/providers/Microsoft.MarketplaceOrdering/offerTypes/Microsoft.MarketplaceOrdering/offertypes/publishers/rubrik-inc/offers/rubrik-data-protection/plans/rubrik-cdm-90/agreements/current",
  "licenseTextLink": "https://storelegalterms.blob.core.windows.net/legalterms/3E5ED_legalterms_RUBRIK%253a2DINC%253a24RUBRIK%253a2DDATA%253a2DPROTECTION%253a24RUBRIK%253a2DCDM%253a2D90%253a24JRAHGUAQ44GVF2TFRYQ5727EY5ZA3HLQ3KU2L76ISIHHQQY2ZJYDCGQTOHXDJ7LU7UO4PPM6UM6DMUQXIIVE763XZJZZNTLHNRCZXBA.txt",
  "marketplaceTermsLink": "https://mpcprodsa.blob.core.windows.net/marketplaceterms/3EDEF_marketplaceterms_VIRTUALMACHINE%253a24AAK2OAIZEAWW5H4MSP5KSTVB6NDKKRTUBAU23BRFTWN4YC2MQLJUB5ZEYUOUJBVF3YK34CIVPZL2HWYASPGDUY5O2FWEGRBYOXWZE5Y.txt",
  "name": "rubrik-cdm-90",
  "plan": "rubrik-cdm-90",
  "privacyPolicyLink": "https://www.rubrik.com/legal/privacy-policy",
  "product": "rubrik-data-protection",
  "publisher": "rubrik-inc",
  "retrieveDatetime": "2023-09-04T05:14:55.6081829Z",
  "signature": "<Unique_Signature>",
  "systemData": {
    "createdAt": "2023-09-04T05:14:57.794366+00:00",
    "createdBy": "<Subscription_ID>",
    "createdByType": "ManagedIdentity",
    "lastModifiedAt": "2023-09-04T05:14:57.794366+00:00",
    "lastModifiedBy": "<Subscription_ID>",
    "lastModifiedByType": "ManagedIdentity"
  "type": "Microsoft.MarketplaceOrdering/offertypes"

Verify that the accepted field is set to true.

In the Terraform variables set the azure_cces_plan_name and azure_cces_sku variables to those that were collected in this section.

(Optional) Select the version of CCES to deploy.

By default this module will deploy the latest version of CCES that is available in the SKU that the azure_cces_sku variable is set to. If a specific version of CCES is desired for a given SKU, run the following command to get the available version numbers:

az vm image list --location <location> --publisher rubrik-inc --offer rubrik-data-protection --sku <SKU> --all --query sku --query "[].version" --output tsv

Where is the Azure Location code for the region where CCES will be deployed. Where is the SKU that was selected from the previous step.

With CDM v8.0 and earlier the versions numbers represent the major.minor.maintenance number of the release. For example 8.0.3 represents CDM 8.0.3-p9-22986. There is an assumption that every maintenance release is the latest patch release as well. As patches are released to a maintenance release, the older patch release is removed.

With CDM v8.1 and later the version numbers represent the minor.maintenance.build number of the release. The SKU number represents the major.minor number of the release. For example the plan rubrik-cdm-81 with a version number of 3.1.24838 represents 8.1.3-p1-24838. This notation allows the user to understand what patch release is represented in the marketplace. The build numbers correspond to the various patch releases.

Set the Terraform variable azure_cces_version to the version number from the list that is desired. Setting the azure_cces_version variable to latest will deploy the latest version of CCES from the list.

Subnet Network Storage Endpoint

This module will attempt to enable the Storage Endpoint in the subnet where CCES is deployed. A Storage Endpoint is required by CCES. If a VNet Storage Endpoint or private Storage Endpoint will be used, disable the following lines in the main.tf file of this module:

resource "azapi_update_resource" "cces_subnet_storage_endpoint" {

  type        = "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets@2023-02-01"
  resource_id = data.azurerm_subnet.cces_subnet.id

  body = jsonencode({
    properties = {
      serviceEndpoints = [{
        service = "Microsoft.Storage"

Bootstrapping the Cloud Cluster

The resource "rubrik_bootstrap_cces_azure" "bootstrap_rubrik_cces_azure" resource block will attempt to bootstrap the Cloud Cluster. To use this block properly, the system that runs this Terraform module must have the Rubrik Provider for Terraform installed. The system running this Terraform module must also be able to contact the Cloud Cluster on its private IP address. If the resource for bootstrapping the Rubrik Cloud Cluster is not used, bootstrap the Rubrik Cloud Cluster as documented in the Rubrik Cloud Cluster guide, after this module has run. After bootstrapping, the Cloud Cluster can be configured through the Web UI.

Initialize the Directory

The directory can be initialized for Terraform use by running the terraform init command:

-> terraform init

Initializing the backend...

Initializing provider plugins...
- Reusing previous version of hashicorp/azurerm from the dependency lock file
- Reusing previous version of azure/azapi from the dependency lock file
- Reusing previous version of hashicorp/time from the dependency lock file
- Reusing previous version of hashicorp/tls from the dependency lock file
- Reusing previous version of rubrikinc/rubrik/rubrik from the dependency lock file
- Using previously-installed hashicorp/azurerm v3.71.0
- Using previously-installed azure/azapi v1.8.0
- Using previously-installed hashicorp/time v0.9.1
- Using previously-installed hashicorp/tls v4.0.4
- Using previously-installed rubrikinc/rubrik/rubrik v2.2.0

Terraform has been successfully initialized!

You may now begin working with Terraform. Try running "terraform plan" to see
any changes that are required for your infrastructure. All Terraform commands
should now work.

If you ever set or change modules or backend configuration for Terraform,
rerun this command to reinitialize your working directory. If you forget, other
commands will detect it and remind you to do so if necessary.


Run terraform plan to get information about what will happen when we apply the configuration; this will test that everything is set up correctly.


We can now apply the configuration to create the cluster using the terraform apply command.


Once the Cloud Cluster is no longer required, it can be destroyed using the terraform destroy command, and entering yes when prompted.

How You Can Help

We glady welcome contributions from the community. From updating the documentation to adding more functionality, all ideas are welcome. Thank you in advance for all of your issues, pull requests, and comments!


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