- 5
- 0
How can I publish to multiple exchanges?
#396 opened by lemanh2006 - 2
- 0
- 1
- 0
Consumer to be auto-ack False
#387 opened by ahmedsaalah - 2
- 0
Reject makes hutch process stuck
#384 opened by ahmedsaalah - 0
- 10
- 1
- 0
- 2
Support for activesupport > 7
#374 opened by deissimon - 1
Cut a new release
#366 opened by TomA-R - 0
Starting `hutch` consumers fails within Rails Engine.
#361 opened by pacso - 4
Run only some consumers
#355 opened by andrykonchin - 9
pidfile not getting generated
#268 opened by tusharmaroo - 4
- 1
Handing database connection timeouts
#354 opened by igatto - 4
Hutch concurrency question
#352 opened by jnarowski - 3
Hutch URI supported?
#350 opened by jnarowski - 5
Backward compatibility with old existing queues broken with introduction of queue types
#348 opened by dsennerlov - 4
Enable Lazy mode for queues
#340 opened by arthurmde - 1
Weird performance issue inside "RabbitMQ/Exchange/Named/hutch" on consumers' side.
#338 opened by Azdaroth - 2
- 4
Requeue method is closing channel
#330 opened by mariacastro96 - 4
Cut a new hutch release
#324 opened by junedkazi - 3
Set delivery_mode when publishing message
#319 opened by johnnyplaydrums - 1
Multi channels support per connection
#317 opened - 4
Cut a new Hutch release
#285 opened by damien - 2
Question: Hutch.connect usage
#311 opened by egze - 9
Multiple `hosts` to Bunny
#294 opened by bradrobertson - 3
When using the `uri` config option port defaults to 0/nil if not specified
#304 opened by michaellennox - 1
- 4
- 4
Can hutch use fanout exchange?
#299 opened by SmrutiSuman - 1
Architecture decision re: Single Channel
#295 opened by bradrobertson - 1
Config: Resolve log_level setting input value to Logger constant for severity level
#261 opened by olleolleolle - 0
Signals: TSTP inspiration
#273 opened by olleolleolle - 6
Hutch.connect erases Hutch::Config
#256 opened by niuage - 2
HUTCH_URI environment variable doesn't work
#269 opened by samstickland - 0
README: Screenshot of tracer missing
#254 opened by olleolleolle - 12
Hutch::CLI not requiring file
#233 opened by teodor-pripoae - 5
- 6
- 2
Send message headers in error handlers
#225 opened by gottfrois - 2
Logger resets Hutch configuration
#240 opened by HGebhardt - 9
- 4
Allow to set queue name prefix
#226 opened by gottfrois - 0