The project has moved to Hyperstack!! - hyperloop master gem - includes all other hyperloop gems
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During the install it should install a migration that created the needed tables
#24 opened by johansmitsnl - 0
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client_and_server.js and client_only.js not being loaded by latest webpacker
#26 opened by barriehadfield - 0
There is a problem with the migration running
#27 opened by psmir - 0
has_secure_password doesn't work on lap28
#25 opened by psmir - 2
- 0
document error message meanings
#22 opened by catmando - 0
add generators for router mui and bootstrap
#21 opened by catmando - 0
detect and deal with webpacker
#20 opened by catmando - 3
Getting "NoMethodError: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass" when running "RAILS_ENV=production rails assets:precompile"
#19 opened by dmitrypol - 1
- 0
hyperloop serving failed asset requests
#16 opened by janbiedermann - 7
unable to install on existing project
#14 opened by 34code - 0
where is this Gem Going?
#15 opened by catmando - 0
during install move application_record.rb to hyperloop/models/application_record.rb
#7 opened by catmando - 0
Hyperloop Operation mangles Hash class
#10 opened by illogikal - 1
therubyracer vs node memory usage?
#11 opened by sfcgeorge - 1
Marketing Idea
#13 opened by ylluminate - 1
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