
Snapshot of JRubyArt as a Wrapper requiring Vanilla Processing

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Snapshot of JRubyArt as a Wrapper requiring Vanilla Processing


A version of jruby_art that requires an installed version of processing suggested versions processing 3.3.7 for predicable shader behaviour or 3.5.3 as latest. Also requires at least jruby- see wiki for building gem from this repo. Changes from processing-2.0 to processing-3.0 here. Expected to work on same platforms as vanilla processing (windows, mac, linux).


A suitable version of ruby (MRI ruby 2.3+ or jruby- to download gem.


jdk1.8.0_171+ can be openjdk with OpenJFX a separate download works on ArchLinux, currently FX2D is still experimental but might in the future replace JAVA2D as default renderer, however for hardware graphics acceleration there is alway P2D / P3D.

recommended installs (JRubyArt is currently hard-coded to expect them)

processing video and sound-1.3.2+ libraries best installed from the processing-3.5.3+ ide although for video on linux at least it may better to install the development version with support for gstreamer-1.0 (gstreamer-0.1.x is either deprecated or completely missing). NB: a replacement processing sound library is also under active development.


You can if you wish leave configuration to the autoconfig tool (delete existing config to do this). The config file is config.yml in the ~/.jruby_art folder, the autoconfig gets run on k9 --install expected to just work on macOS, output may need tuning on windows / linux check with k9 --check (run both after gem install for both). Note this configuration file is incompatible with JRubyArt-2.2+.

# YAML configuration file for jruby_art
# K9_HOME: "/home/ruby2.4.0 ... /jruby_art" # windows users may need to set this
PROCESSING_ROOT: "/home/tux/processing-3.5.3" # typical linux shown
# important sketch_book path may be different for processing-3.0
sketchbook_path: "/home/tux/sketchbook"
template: bare
sketch_title: 'Edit Static Sketch' # for static sketch only
width: 600 # for static sketch only
height: 600 # for static sketch only

Install Steps (assumes you have requirements above)

 gem install jruby_art
 k9 --install # installs jruby-complete- and downloads and installs samples to ~/k9_samples
 cd ~/k9_samples/contributed
 k9 --run jwishy.rb # if you have jruby- installed or config `JRUBY: false`
 # to use jruby-complete set `JRUBY: false` in config

Create sketches from built in templates

k9 --create fred 200 200                # basic sketch fred.rb
k9 --create fred 200 200 p2d            # basic P2D sketch fred.rb

To create either a class wrapped sketch or emacs sketch set template: class or template: emacs in config.yml

Simple Sketch

def setup
  sketch_title 'My Sketch'

def draw
  background 0
  fill 200
  ellipse width / 2, height / 2, 300, 200

def settings
  size 400, 300

Run Sketch

See above be prepared to KILL the odd java process (ie when sketch does not exit cleanly)

Watch sketches

k9 --watch sketch.rb # NB: doesn't work with FX2D render mode

Open pry console on sketch

k9 --live sketch.rb # pry is bound to Processing.app # needs `jruby -S gem install pry`

Example sketches

Worked Examples and, The-Nature-of-Code-Examples-for-JRubyArt feel free to add your own, especially ruby-2.2+ syntax now we can. These can now be downloaded using k9 --install please move existing k9_samples if you wish to keep them. NB: The current release features a change from AppRender to GfxRender, so please update your k9_samples.