packs are a specification for an extensible packaging system to help modularize Ruby applications.
- 2
feature: Add a language server?
#160 opened by Velrok - 1
Add a way to override readme_todo and todo
#154 opened by sethherr - 1
- 0
Update "architecture" to "layers"
#157 opened by schoblaska - 0
Add PR template
#151 opened by tstannard - 8
Proposal: merge packs
#143 opened by zekenie - 0
Bug (of sorts): 'packs move' breaks in non-obvious ways if the source location is in a package that is not a pack
#146 opened by exterm - 2
Gem name is not elegant
#18 opened by oleg-vinted - 2
Move commands don't work with absolute paths
#22 opened by oleg-vinted - 0
Is rubocop-packs a true dependency?
#105 opened by technicalpickles - 2
Config and commands don't align
#112 opened by silasb - 3
few questions
#144 opened by igorkasyanchuk - 8
Validation doesn't recognize "owner" in package.yml
#142 opened by diogogallo - 3
Proposal: move pack to folder
#135 opened by professor - 2
Proposal: when moving a pack, rename all references
#120 opened by professor - 2
packs 0.0.24 (current latest release) is not compatible with visualize_packs 0.5.x
#101 opened by oboxodo - 1
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GPL 2.0 dependency: colorize gem
#100 opened by jordanbyron - 0
Rubocop is expected to be in the Gemfile
#87 opened by shageman - 0
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- 0
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Gem contains opinionated guides
#17 opened by oleg-vinted