Ruby Berlin e. V. Website README

In this repository you’ll find the website for Ruby Berlin e. V.


Provided you have RVM installed, installation should require 4 Steps:

rvm 2.4.2
rvm gemset create middleman
gem install bundler
bundle install


Building static pages

You can build the site into a build directory:

bundle exec middleman build

The build directory will contain the generated HTML, CSS and JavaScript and the contents can be uploaded to any standard web server.

With Pow

Download and install POW:

curl | sh


cd ~/.pow
ln -s /path/to/rubyberlin_repo rubyberlin

You will see the generated HTML & CSS by navigating to

With the built-in server

To run:

bundle exec middleman server

You will see the generated HTML & CSS by navigating to http://localhost:4567/.


To the deploy the page, run the following rake commands, which will push the HTML build onto the gh-pages branch:

bundle exec rake build
bundle exec rake publish