- 15
Machine-readable exports
#17 opened by arbox - 6
- 1
- 1
Provide a translation of 'CastOff: A Compiler for Ruby Implemented as a Library'
#19 opened by chrisseaton - 1
- 1
- 1
Provide a translation of 'A Lightweight Representation of Floting-Point Numbers on Ruby Interpreter'
#23 opened by chrisseaton - 1
Provide a translation of 'YARV: Yet Another RubyVM The Implementation and Evaluation'
#24 opened by chrisseaton - 1
Provide a translation of 'Design and Implementation of Efficient Interprocess Transfer and Sharing Mechanism for Ruby Objects'
#25 opened by chrisseaton - 1
Provide a translation of 'Parallel Processing on Multiple Virtual Machine for Ruby'
#26 opened by chrisseaton - 1
Provide a translation of 'The Improvement of Thread Implementation for Ruby Interpreter'
#27 opened by chrisseaton - 1
Provide a translation of 'An Implementation of Parallel Threads for YARV: Yet Another RubyVM'
#28 opened by chrisseaton - 1
Provide a translation of 'Design and Implementation of Real-time Profilers for scripting language'
#29 opened by chrisseaton - 1
- 0
Find and add ISMM paper PDF link
#18 opened by chrisseaton - 2
#2 opened by brianhempel - 2
What about Rails applications?
#7 opened by atd