
Experimenting with Ember CLI

Primary LanguageJavaScript

npm install -g ember-cli

install -g phantomjs

mac only

brew install watchman sudo brew link pcre sudo brew link watchman

sudo chown -R [USERNAME]:staff /Users/[USERNAME]/.config/configstore ember new app-client cd app-client/

ember install:npm ember-cli-scaffold ember install:bower ember-localstorage-adapter

ember install:npm ember-idx-forms ember-idx-button ember-idx-modal ember-idx-tree ember-idx-charts ember-idx-tabs ember-idx-tour ember-idx-wysiwyg ember-idx-accordion ember-idx-list

ember install:bower bootstrap-sass-official font-awesome npm install --save-dev ember-cli-compass-compiler # DO NOT USE ember install:addon npm install --save-dev ember-cli-html-minifier #npm install --save-dev ember-cli-gzip



before this

module.exports = app.toTree();

ember generate adapter application

nano -w app/adapters/application.js

import DS from "ember-data";

export default DS.ActiveModelAdapter.extend({ namespace: "api" });

nano -w app/adapters/user.js

import DS from "ember-data";

export default DS.LSAdapter.extend({ // host: "http://localhost:3000", namespace: 'api' });

How to mock posts

ember g http-mock posts



This README outlines the details of collaborating on this Ember application. A short introduction of this app could easily go here.


You will need the following things properly installed on your computer.


  • git clone <repository-url> this repository
  • change into the new directory
  • npm install
  • bower install


npm install -g npm-check-updates rm -rf node_modules npm-check-updates -u npm install

Since npm shrinkwrap is intended to lock down your dependencies for production use, devDependencies will not be included unless you explicitly set the --dev flag when you run npm shrinkwrap. If installed devDependencies are excluded, then npm will print a warning. If you want them to be installed with your module by default, please consider adding them to dependencies instead.

rm -f npm-shrinkwrap.json npm shrinkwrap

npm install -g bower-update bower-update --non-interactive bower install

npm uninstall -g ember-cli npm cache clean bower cache clean npm install -g ember-cli rm -rf node_modules bower_components dist tmp npm install --save-dev ember-cli ember init npm install bower install rm -rf dist/ .sass-cache/ tmp/ ember server

Running / Development

Code Generators

Make use of the many generators for code, try ember help generate for more details

Running Tests

  • ember test
  • ember test --server


  • ember build (development)
  • ember build --environment production (production)


Specify what it takes to deploy your app.

rm -rf dist/ .sass-cache/ tmp/ ember deploy --environment production ember deploy:list --environment production ember deploy:activate --revision ember-deploy:44f2f92 --environment production

Rails should take from active index from redis and serve it.

To try latest index directly from s3: (CORS will complain) https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/BUCKETNAME/index.html

Cannot use index.html from cloudfront domain, it cannot be uncached!


redis - write script to make sha of index.html that could be accepted by backend database (pushed to production db by rake tesk) to prevent compromised redis in production from auto-deploying

on frontend release repo: sudo port install md5sha1sum md5sum app/index.html

DIGEST=XXX rake redis_front:add_index_html_file_digest IndexHtmlFile.create(:digest => ENV['DIGEST']) unless IndexHtmlFile.where(:digest => ENV['DIGEST']).first

DIGEST=XXX rake redis_front:remove_index_html_file_digest IndexHtmlFile.where(:digest => ENV['DIGEST']).destroy_all

switch to file

rake redis_front:clear_all_index_html_file_digests IndexHtmlFile.destroy_all

def serve(file) if file.encoding.name == 'UTF-8' && file.valid_encoding? if file.bytesize > 1000000 file = file[0,1000000] # cut to around 1 MB for security end file.sub!("\xEF\xBB\xBF".force_encoding("UTF-8"), '') # REMOVE BOM file.encode!(universal_newline: true) # LINUX NEWLINE if file.valid_encoding? file else # fallback to read from file (update manually BEFORE deploy to index file from last tagged release) raise 'index.html is not valid' end else # fallback to read from file (update manually BEFORE deploy to index file from last tagged release) raise 'index.html is not valid UTF-8' end end

def use_current if current from redis require 'digest/md5' digest = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(file) ihf = IndexHtmlFile.where(:digest => digest).first if ihf if ihf.value.present? serve(ihf.value) else content = serve(file) ihf.set(:value => content) content end else logger.warn 'fallback' # fallback to read from file (update manually BEFORE deploy to index file from last tagged release) File.read('app/index.html') end else logger.warn 'fallback, current is empty' # fallback to read from file (update manually BEFORE deploy to index file from last tagged release) File.read('app/index.html') end end

if param && http basic ok (app based) if value from redis serve(file) else raise 'param not found' end else use current end