
reCAPTCHA v3 Ruby on Rails gem

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Google Recaptcha v3 + Rails

Integrate Google Recaptcha v3 with Rails app.

Google Recaptcha console: https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin#list

Recaptcha v3 documentation: https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/v3


  • Open https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin#list
  • register a new site
  • copy site_key and secret_key and put into config/initializers/new_google_recaptcha.rb
  • optionally, change the minimum_score in the initializer to a preferred float value (from 0.0 to 1.0)
  • in layout:
      <%= yield :recaptcha_js %>
  • in view where you for example you have a form:
    <%= content_for :recaptcha_js do %>
      <%= include_recaptcha_js %>
    <% end %>
    <form ...>
      <%#= 'checkout' is action name to be verified later %>
      <%= recaptcha_action('checkout') %>
  • in controller:
    def create
      @post = Post.new(post_params)
      if NewGoogleRecaptcha.human?(
        ) && @post.save
        redirect_to @post, notice: 'Post was successfully created.'
        render :new

There are two mandatory arguments for human? method:

  • token - token valid for your site
  • action - the action name for this request (the gem checks if it is the same as the name used with the token, otherwise a hacker could replace it on frontend to some another action used, but with lower score requirement and thus pass the verification)

You can verify recaptcha without using these arguments:

  • minimum_score - defaults to value set in the initializer (reCAPTCHA recommends using 0.5 as default)
  • model - defaults to nil which will result in not adding an error to model; any custom failure handling is applicable here

like this:

  NewGoogleRecaptcha.human?(params[:new_google_recaptcha_token], "checkout")

Add to your navigation links data-turbolinks="false" to make it works with turbolinks.


gem 'new_google_recaptcha'

And then execute:

$ bundle

And then run:

$ rails generate new_google_recaptcha initializer

And edit new_google_recaptcha.rb and enter your site_key and secret_key.


NewGoogleRecaptcha.human?(token, model) in contoller

  • token is received from google, must be sent to backend
  • model optional parameter. if you want to add error to model.

<%= include_recaptcha_js %> in layout (by using yield)

Include Google Recaptcha v3 JS into your Rails app. In head, right before </head>.

<%= recaptcha_action(action_name) %> in view

Action where recaptcha action was executed. Actions could be viewed in Admin console. More docs: https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/v3. Action name could be "comments", "checkout", etc. Put any name and check scores in console.

I18n support

reCAPTCHA passes one types of error explanation to a linked model. It will use the I18n gem to translate the default error message if I18n is available. To customize the messages to your locale, add these keys to your I18n backend:

new_google_recaptcha.errors.verification_human error message displayed when it is something like a robot, or a suspicious action

Also you can translate API response errors to human friendly by adding translations to the locale (config/locales/en.yml):

      verification_human: 'Fail'


  • check everything works with turbolinks
  • allow custom ID for input
  • return score ?
  • tests
  • handle exceptions with timeouts, json is not parsed
  • add support for non-Rails apps
  • add support for older Rails (should be easy since code is very simple)


You are welcome to contribute.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.