
Web-service for communication with marketplaces

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


An example of connecting to marketplaces and downloading data from them


This project demonstrates a way to connect to the Yandex.Market and Ozon marketplace-APIs with:

  • Using UUIDs in tables with personalized information instead of the usual numeric IDs;
  • Using PostgreSql native data types - Array, Enumerated, Hstore, Composite Types;
  • Setting up queues in Sidekiq;
  • Pre-processing the Rate Limits based on marketplace response headers and Post-processing based on restrictions stored in Kredis;
  • Logging of critical events when interacting with the API of marketplace.
  • Utilizing the Abstract Factory Pattern;
  • Code coverage with RSpec tests (100%);
  • Enabling GitHub Actions;

Particular emphasis is placed on separating business logic from the algorithmic solution.

Article: https://habr.com/ru/articles/796169/


  1. Clone this app from GitHub
  2. Run bundle i from the app folder
  3. Install DB:
$ rails db:create
$ rails db:schema:load
$ rails db:seed
  1. Add the existing credentials from marketplaces to the rake task
  2. Seed the marketplace_credentials by completing the task rails marketplace_credentials_example:custom_seeds

Run Sidekiq

$ bundle exec sidekiq -C config/sidekiq_live.yml
$ bundle exec sidekiq -C config/sidekiq_scheduled.yml

Before launching the application, seed the current categories from Ozon by completing the task rails ozon_categories:load. This will be done if you have at least one marketplace_credentials from Ozon.

  • Run Tests
$ bundle exec rspec spec

Look at the test coverage:

$ open coverage/index.html

Import products from marketplaces

Scheduled launch

$ clockwork clock.rb

or cause immediately

$ rails c
irb(main):001> MarketplaceInteraction::ImportProductsJob.perform_now

After that, review the changes in the database

Run HTTP requests

  • Create new Yandex.Market login credentials in the database
http POST :3000/api/v1/credentials USER:registered_user_id \
"credentials[business_id]=XXXXXX" \
"credentials[token]=y0_user_token" \
"marketplace=Yandex" \
  • Create new OZON login credentials in the database
http POST :3000/api/v1/credentials USER:registered_user_id \
"credentials[client_id]=XXXXX" \
"credentials[api_key]=user_api_key" \
"marketplace=OZON" \
  • Re-import products for marketplace credentials by ID
http PATCH :3000/api/v1/credentials/:id \
  • Enabling/disabling automatic archive downloads for marketplace credentials. The default value is placed in the env variant PRODUCTS_DOWNLOADER_FROM_ARCHIVE.
http PATCH :3000/api/v1/credentials/:id/archive \
USER:registered_user_id \
  • Enabling/disabling automatic loading of descriptions for products posted on OZON. The default value is placed in the env variant PRODUCTS_DOWNLOADER_OZON_DESCRIPTIONS.
http PATCH :3000/api/v1/credentials/:id/descriptions \
USER:registered_user_id \