
VCV Rack plugin modules

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

SickoCV v2.6.0

VCV Rack plugin modules

SickoCV modules 2 6 0

table of contents

Common modules behavior

  • Triggers and gates threshold is +1v
  • Every time-related knob set full anticlockwise and displaying 1ms on the tooltip is actually considered 0ms


8 Adder and subtractor


'adder8' is inspired by hardware precision adder modules. It adds, ignore or subtracts fixed voltages or CVS to outputs.



On the first row a fixed voltage set by VLT/ATNV knob is added, ignored or subtracted, depending on the -0+ switch, to the corresponding output.
If the output is not connected, the result voltage is summed to the next row, and with the same rules until a connected output is found.
If a CV input is connected, the VLT/ATNV knob acts as an attenuverter, then the CV voltage will be added or subtracted in the same previous way.
When an output is connected, the starting voltage of the next row is reset to 0v just like the first row does.
The MODE switches force the "-0+" switches to be as: "subtract/ignore", "subtract/ignore/add" or "ignore/add".


  • Stop Adding on Out Cable (ticked by default). As mentioned above, the starting voltage is reset to 0v in the next row only when an out cable is detected. Unticking this option the voltage won't be reset.
  • Volt Knob Default. With this option the default initialization value of the VLT/ATNV knob can be changed to 0v, +1v or +10v.
    This unconventional feature lets the user to choose the default knob value depending on the main usage of Adder8:
    if it's used as a fixed pitch adder (without input CV connection) maybe it's useful to have the default value set to +1v, so if the knob position has been changed to detune, it can be quickly restored to add (or subtract) exactly 1 octave in pitch;
    otherwise, if the knob is used as attenuverter with a CV input connected, it can be set to 0v as usual or to +10v to quickly get the full CV voltage.
  • Reset All Knobs to Default. This resets all knobs value to selected default setting.


8 buffered gates and triggers


'bGates' provides 8 buffered gates or triggers on 8 individual clock inputs.



Connect a clock source. Clock inputs are normalled to previous ones.

When ARM input is triggered (arm on) the GATE output will be set to high state on next clock detection and 1ms trigger will be given by TRG out.

Then, with another ARM triggering (arm off) GATE output will go low and another 1ms trigger will be given by TRG out.

If ARM is triggered again before clock detection it will abort arming (unarm).

Triggering RST input will immediately set the GATE out state to low and unarm it. If the GATE out state was HIGH a 1ms trigger is given by TRG out

Pressing RSTALL button or triggering RESETALL input will immediately set all the 8 GATE outs to low and unarm them.

Context Menu

  • Initialize On Start: discards previous module state on VCV restart
  • Disable Unarm: this disables unarm feature


Polyphonic stereo crossfade mixer with double modulation


'blender' is a crossfade mixer of mono or stereo signals.
It can be used either with cv signals or audio sources.
Mix can be modulated by uni/bipolar signals.
Modulation can be further modulated by another signal.
Audio rate modulations are allowed.



Connect CVs or audio sources to IN1 and IN2, mono or stereo signals can be independently used. Polyphonic inputs are allowed and are left/right independent, but accordingly to number of channels of IN1 input.
PHASE switches invert the sign of input signals.
MIX knob sets the crossfade level of the inputs.
Inputs volume can be adjusted via two attenuators.
Master volume can be amplified up to 200%, a hard clip ±5v switch is present.
Output replicates input polyphony, but deticking in the context menu 'Polyphonic outs' option will mix channels into monophonic outs.

MOD section
Connecting MIX MOD CV input enables mix modulation. ATNV knob attenuverts CV input.
CV input range is usually unipolar 0-10v. RNG switch in 'bipolar' position adds +5v to CV input, so audio signals can be used for modulation.
Modulation is added to the MIX knob.

MOD2 section
MOD2 can be used to add modulation to the MOD attenuverter knob in MOD section, the rules are the same.


8 single crossfade mixers with modulation


'blender8' is a set of 8 crossfade mixers of two signals.
As the previous one it can be used either with cv signals or audio sources.
Mix can be modulated by uni/bipolar signals.
Audio rate modulations are allowed.



'blender8' provides 8 mono crossfade mixers and differs from 'blender' module in the following things.
Only the IN2 input signal can be phase inverted.
If a CV input is connected for modulation, CV sets the mix percentage and the MIX knob becomes the CV attenuverter.

bToggler / bToggler Compact

Buffered stereo signal toggle switch router, with VCA and ASR envelope generator, in regular and compact form factor


  • Buffered Toggled VCA with builtin ASR envelope generator
  • Buffered Toggled ASR envelope generator
  • Buffer mute/unmute CVs or mono/stereo AUDIO signals according to an ASR envelope activated by Toggle Triggers



Connect a clock source.

When ARM input is triggered (arm on), the L+(R) inputs will start to be routed to L+(R) outputs on next clock detection (according to ASR envelope values) and GATE output will provide a high state.

Then, with another ARM triggering (arm off) the routing will stop on next clock detection and GATE output will go low.

If ARM is triggered again before clock detection it will abort arming (unarm).

Attack, Sustain and Release knobs set the envelope of the routed signals.

A, S, R CVinputs are added to respective knob values, bToggler module has attenuverters.

If L or (R) inputs are not connected, relative outputs will provide just the envelope, so a mono signal can be connected to L input to route it to L output and nothing connected to (R) input to have the envelope on (R) output.

A trigger on RESET input will reset the toggle state.

Polyphony on L/(R) inputs is replicated on outs.

Context Menu

  • Initialize On Start: discards previous module state on VCV restart
  • Disable Unarm: this disables unarm feature
  • Trigger on Gate Out: this option substitutes Gate Output with a 1ms trigger whenever a clock is detected when armed


8 buffered toggle switch signal router


'bToggler8' can be used to mute/unmute up to 8 CVs or AUDIO signals, in sync to a tempo clock source.
For example it can be used to play/stop drumkit parts independently (kick, snare, hats, etc):

  • connect an appropriate clock source to CLOCK
  • connect the ARMs to a "MIDI>GATE" module which receives controls from a midi controller
  • connect the INs to the sequencer outs, one for kick, one for snare, etc.
  • connect the OUTs to the trigger inputs of the single drum modules

Then, by pressing buttons on the controller, 'bToggler8' will actually start/stop the single drum parts on the next received clock pulse.

Otherwise bToggler OUTs can be connected to envelope generators. In that case the GATE output should be connected to the IN input to activate the envelope.

'bToggler8' can also be used to route audio signals. Connect IN to the audio source and OUT to the mixer: the FADE knob will avoid clicks.



Connect a clock source.

When ARM input is triggered (arm on) the IN input will start to be routed to OUT on next clock detection and GATE output will provide a high state.

Then, with another ARM triggering (arm off) the routing will stop on next clock detection and GATE output will go low.

FADE knob up to 10s can be used to avoid attack or release clicks when audio signals are connected to IN input.
Be sure to set Fade knob to minimum (1ms) when inputs are feeded by triggers.

If ARM is triggered again before clock detection it will abort arming (unarm).

Triggering RESET input will immediately stop the routing.

Triggering RESETALL input will immediately stop all the 8 routings.

Context Menu

  • Initialize On Start: discards previous module state on VCV restart
  • Disable Unarm: this disables unarm feature

Here below is one example of bToggler8 usage. When buttons are pressed on PULSES module, incoming triggers from the sequencer are routed to drum modules only when the first step of the sequencer is reached. If buttons are pressed again, the routing will stop on next first step of the sequencer.

bToggler8 example
Download example (right-click -> save link as)


8 buffered toggle switch router, plus warnings to use with led midi controllers


'bToggler8+' is almost the same of the previous one, but it has a further feature (WRN outs) to be used with programmable led midi controllers to have a visual feedback on the controller.

Some midi controllers can light up or turn off their button leds by receiving the same commands they send.
Taking advantage of this functionality, connect the WRN outs to a "GATE>MIDI" module connected to the same controller of the ARM inputs.
So when pressing buttons on controller, 'bToggler8+' will actually play/stop the sequencers or audio, and simultaneously give a visual feedback on the controller.



The same of the previous one, plus following features.

When 'armed on' or 'armed off', the WRN (warning) output will provide a sequence of pulses until next clock is detected.
Then it will act as the OUT output (the routed signal) if the FADE knob is set to 1ms, else it will act as the GATE output (high gate).
So, if 'bToggler8+' is receiving triggers from a sequencer, the FADE knob will be set to 1ms and the led will light up the same as sequencers trigs.
Otherwise, if fade knob is set different from 1ms, it is supposed that an audio signal is routed, so a fixed led light on the controller will be seen.

WA and WR knobs set the attack (arm on) and release (arm off) pulserate up to 200 ms of the warning pulses. These are two independent settings because it can be helpful to notice if the routing is going to start or stop.

If WA or WR are set to 0ms, WRN will output a low gate during warning time and if set to to max (200ms) it will output a high gate.
As to say: if WA is set to 0 and WR is set to max(200), WRN output will act like the GATE output.
Otherwise if WA is set to max(200) and WR is set to 0, WRN output will act as simple toggle switch with no buffer feature.

Context Menu

  • Initialize On Start: discards previous module state on VCV restart
  • Disable Unarm: this disables unarm feature
  • WRN Inversion (trigs only): inverts WRN output behavior when used with triggers. It can be useful when INs are feeded by sequencers trigs and WRN Outs connected to a led midi controller. With this option enabled when there's no routing leds will stay off, when routing leds will stay on and whenn a trig is received led will be turned off for 100ms.

Here below is one example of bToggler+ usage. The MIDI>GATE module is connected to a programmable Led Midi controller and receives buttonpresses from it. The GATE>MIDI module send back triggers incoming from the sequencer to the controller, turning on and off the corresponding led buttons only when triggers are actually routed to drum modules. Routing rules are the same of previous example.

bToggler8plus example
Download example (right-click -> save link as)


Calculates sums, differences, multiplications, divisions and averages of 3 CV inputs



A, B and C are the inputs. The output tables provide simple math calculations and averages between two inputs or the average of all of them.

U/B (Unipolar/Bipolar) switch clamps the outputs to 0/10V or ±5v.


Clock generator with 4 dividers/multipliers and audio metronome


Clocker is a high precision clock generator and modulator with 4 dividers/multipliers with swing feature, time signatures and integrated audio click.



The BPM knob sets the clock speed from 30 to 300 bpm.
An external clock can be connected on the EXT input.
The RUN button or a trig on its input starts or stops the clock.
PW (pulse width) knob adjusts the length of the gate in its high state (see 'Context menu' paragraph for Swing instructions).
Clock and metronome can be reset with RST button or a trig on its input.

There are 4 clock dividers/multipliers up to 256x each with theirs PW control. Right click on the display to quick select the desired division/multiplication.

The metronome setting is controlled by the METER knob or with a right click on the time signature display.
Audio click is activated with CLICK button and volume can be adjusted with the knob from 0 to 200%.
When clock is runniing BEAT and BAR outputs are always active and give a 1ms trigger.

To get best clock precision the algorithm used may alter the clock lengths, according to working vcv samplerate and BPM setting.
There will therefore be clocks of non-fixed length, but which will guarantee the exact number of BPM within a minute.

Context Menu

  • Trig/Swing on Div
    With this option enabled the selected divider/multiplier outputs a 1ms trigger instead of gate.
    A little blue led is turned on near the PW knob. This knob will control the swing amount instead of pulse width, but only for clock multiplications.
    Swing control at 0% means no swing, so every pulse has equal timing. Increasing swing ratio it delays the even pulses by its percentage until 100% that means the even pulses fall on the next odd ones.
    Please note that every clock timing (beat detection) resets the odd pulses, so every pulse that is a beat will be an odd one. This is beacause it has to match metronome and don't mess when odd clock divisions are selected.

  • Click Presets
    There are 3 predefined types of audio clicks, each one with beat and bar sample.

  • Load BEAT click / Load BAR click
    Audio clicks can be customized loading wav sample using "Load BEAT" and "Load BAR" options.

  • Beat pulses also on Bar
    When ticked, BAR pulses on the BAR output are duplicated on the BEAT output.

  • On Run
    "Reset Bar" resets metronome when the Run Button is switched on.
    "Pulse to RST out" sends a reset pulse to the Reset output when the Run Button is switched on.

  • On Stop
    This submenu is the same as the previous one but when the Run Button is switched off.

CvRouter / CvSwitcher

1>2 and 2>1 voltage controlled switch

cvRouter cvSwitcher


With the cvRouter the IN signal will be routed to OUT1 or OUT2 if the CV input voltage is lower or higher than the voltage set by the "THR" threshold knob.
With the cvSwitcher the OUT will receive the signal from IN1 or IN2 if the voltage of the CV input is lower or higher than the voltage set by the threshold "THR" knob.

The FADE knob with its added CV input, will crossfade up to 10s the INs or OUTs.

The default value of the "THR" knob is +1v.

drummer / drummer4 / drummer4+

Accent and choke utility for drum modules lacking these features



Drummer and Drummer4/Drummer4+ module can handle 2 or 4 drum sounds with separate standard and accent volume levels set by respective knobs.

Connect the IN input to a drum-like audio source or sample player, and OUT output to the mixer.
Connect the TRIG input to the same module that feeds the drum module, it can be a sequencer or every other pulse generation module.
Connect the ACC input to the module which generates the accents, it can be the sequencer or every other suitable module.
When ACC is triggered at the same time as the TRIG input, Drummer module will output the Accent Level set by "Accent Level knob" instead of the one set by "Standard Level Knob".

Each knob range is from 0 to 200% of the incoming IN level.
LIMIT switch hard clips the output in the range ±5v.
When CHOKE switch is on and a trigger occurs, the other slot (Drummer) or the next slot (Drummer4) is muted (for example when used with closed/open hihat sounds).

  • Drummer note:
    If 1 OUT is not connected, the audio signal will be mixed with the other one connected.
    In CHOKE mode, if both TRIG inputs are triggered at the same time, the upper section (#1) will have the priority and the lower one will be ignored.

Example of Drummer module usage:

drummer example
Download example (right-click -> save link as)

  • Drummer4 note:
    If one slot OUT is not connected, the audio signal will be added to the next one. For example if connecting only out #2 and #4, out #1 and #3 will be respectively mixed with those ones, if connecting only out #4, this socket will output all the channels.

Example of Drummer4 module usage:

drummer4 example
Download example (right-click -> save link as)

  • Drummer4+ note:
    Drummer4+ it's the same of Drummer4. It only adds attenuverted CV inputs to parameter knobs.

drumPlayer / drumPlayer+ / drumPlayerXtra

4 channel Drum Sample Player with accent and choke functionality



Load wav samples in the slots using general or slot context menu.

When TRIG input is triggered the sample will be played at the volume percentage set by to "Standard Level" knob + its relative attenuverted CVinput.
If ACCENT input is HIGH when TRIG occurs, the sample will be played at "Accent Level" knob + its attenuverted CVinput.

Playing speed can be set by SPD knob from 1 to 200% and modulated with its attenuverted CVinput. Speed can be modified during sample playback.
External modulation is allowed only on drumPlayer+ or drumPlayerXtra.

If CHOKE switch is on when TRIG occurs, the playback of next slot is stopped with a 1ms fade out: it's commonly used to simulate a closed/open hihat.
LIM switch enables hard clipping limiter set to ±5v on the output.


Sample Slots
Click on the slot number to open dialog.
When the sample is loaded the green led on the panel is turned on (drumPlayer), or the small 7segment display will show the first chars of the filename (drumPlayer+ drumPlayerXtra).

Set samples root folder
Once a folder is set, 'Samples browser' option is activated in the quick load menu (right click in the relative led slot area/display) to quickly choose samples from the selected folder.

There are 3 different interpolation algorithms, that are engaged during playback only when the sample samplerate differs from VCV working samplerate or playback speed differs from 100%.

  • 'No interpolation' can be used when sample rates match and speed is 100% constant
  • 'Linear 1' and 'Linear 2' interpolate the samples with different weighted averages
  • 'Hermite' uses a Cubic Hermite interpolation that offers a better result (default)

Anti-aliasing filter
Anti-aliasing filter is made up with 2x oversampling and a 20khz lowpass filter.

Outs mode
Normalled (default): if one out is not connected, the output of its slot is added to the next one
Solo: every slot has its own out socket
Unconnected on Out 4: Every unconnected out is added to out n.4

Disable NAV buttons (drumPlayerXtra only)
Disables panel Sample Navigation buttons to avoid utilizing mistakes.

Scrolling Sample Names (drumPlayer+ and drumPlayerXtra only)
This option enables text scrolling on sample name displays

Light Boxes (drumPlayerXtra only)
This option enables a light box over waveform displays when sample is triggered.
When enebled, in each slot context menu, the color of light and fade duration can be set.

Display Triggering (drumPlayerXtra only)
This option enables sample triggering by clicking over the the display area, to play samples live or just to test them while navigating sample folders

Global Settings (drumPlayerXtra only)
In this menu there are options to clear all the slots or the root folder.
It is also used to apply settings to all the slots: Zoom, Lightboxes color and time fading.

Store samples in Patch
This option allows to save the loaded samples in vcv patch file to use it on other machines or if the orginal sample files are missing.
Please note that this could make the patch filesize very large.


Right clicking on led area (drumPlayer) or display area (drumPlayer+ drumPlayerXtra) the slot context menu is open with following options:

  • Load Sample (opens file dialog to load a sample in the slot)
  • Samples Browser (if a root sample folder is set on the general context menu, this submenu is enabled to navigate through directories)
  • Current sample (shows sample name when a sample is loaded)
  • Clear (clears slot)
  • Swap Slot with (swaps slot sample with the selected one)
  • Copy Slot to (duplicates slot sample to the selected one)

drumPlayerXtra further options:

  • Zoom Waveform (zooms the waveform from start to end (full), half, quarter, eighth of the sample length)
  • Light Box color (if Light Boxes option is enabled in the general context menu, a predefined color or a custom one can be set here)
  • Light Box Fade (Fade time of Light Boxes is set here: Slow (0.5s), Normal (0.25s), Fast (0.1s)


Set of unconnected inputs and outputs just to park unused cables



This module doesn't do anything. It's just a place to connect temporarily unused cables to not forget to where they were wired.
It can also be used to connect other modules sockets when they need to be wired to obtain some functionality.


64 selectable stages shift register


  • 64 stages shift register that outputs only the selected stage controlled by knob/CV with attenuverter
  • Trigger delay to adjust the 1-sample latency of VCV cables



Shifter module can be useful to shift back and fotrth a sequencer output on the fly, thanks to the 64 stages register.
Stage can be controlled via the stage knob, or the 0-10v StageCV input with its attenuverter.
If StageCV input is not connected, the attenuverter reduces the range of the Stage knob.
Note that the Stage knob and StageCV are added together.
The TRIG DELAY knob can be used to delay the TRIG INPUT up to 5 samples, because of the 1sample latency of VCV cables. This can be useful when triggering the sequencer with the same clock of Shifter module, TRIG DELAY avoids that the input is sampled before the sequencer advances.

Context Menu

  • Initialize On Start: discards previous module state on VCV restart

shifter example
Download example (right-click -> save link as)


Polyphonic stereo VCA up to 200% with limiter



Level knob can be set up to 200% and its CV input is added to its value.
Considering a usual modulation of 0-10v, CV attenuverter is set by default to 50% just to act as a traditional VCA.
If set to 100% it will modulate the signal level up to 2x.
Limit switch activates signal limiter set by Limit knob in the range up to ±10v.
If both inputs are used with polyphony, channels on the Right output replicate the same number of channels of the Left input.

Context Menu

  • Polyphonic OUTs. When this option is enabled the outputs reflect input polyphony. Otherwise polyphonic inputs are mixed in one monophonic out.

sickoLooper3 / sickoLooper5

3/5 track loopers with builtin clock generator, click and meter.


sickoLooper is inspired by hardware looper devices with most of their features implemented.



card_sickolooper1 card_sickolooper2


Clock section
Set clock speed with BPM knob. METER knob sets the time-signature (number of clocks per bar) for all the tracks and affects the length of the loops when track loop sync is active.
These are the available meter settings: 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 5/4, 6/4, 7/4, 5/8, 6/8, 7/8, 8/8, 9/8, 10/8, 11/8, 12/8, 13/8, 14/8, 15/8.

External clock input can be connected to 'EXT CLK' input. In this case clock is always running and audioclick never stops.
'RST' button resets the bar counter and the next clock received or generated by builtin clock will be considered as a bar pulse.

'CLK OUT' sends a 1ms trigger on every clock.

Click section
Enabling "CLICK" button an audio click is sent to 'EAR' output according to meter setting.
Click volume can be adjusted with 'LVL' knob.
'MST' button sends the click also to 'MASTER' output.
PREROLL button enables prerolling with audio click for 1 or 2 measures, it works only when all tracks are stopped.

All tracks section
All 'STRT/STOP' button, or the relative trig input, starts playback all recorded tracks.
If at least one track is already playing/recording/overdubbing it will stop every track.
If 'STOP' input is connected, it will stop all tracks on trigger detection.
With STOP input connected 'STRT/STOP' input is used only to start all the tracks.

Sources section
There are 5 separate stereo inputs each one with its gain level and mute button.
If only left input is connected it will be duplicated on the other channel.

Every track can be connected to a single source selected via the 'SRC' knob.
'MEAS' knob sets the length of the loop from 1 to 16 measures (bars).

Every track (loop) has a current status:

  • EMPTY: the track is empty and can be only recorded.
  • IDLE: the loop has been recorded but the track it's not running.
  • PLAYING: the track is running and playing back the loop
  • RECORDING: the track is running and the loop it's been recorded for the first time
  • OVERDUBBING: the track is running and the loop it's recording over the previous take

'PLAY' button (or its trig input) starts playing a previously recorded track.
'REC' button (or its trig input) starts recording (if empty) or overdubbing (if already recorded) a track from the selected source.
'STOP' button (or its trig input) stops playing/recording/overdubbing a track.
'ERASE' button clicked fast twice within 750ms (or its trig input is triggered once) clears a recorded track. It works only if a track is idle.

Track display bar
A vertical display bar shows the status of the track with different colors and the percentage of loop position.

  • black: the track is empty
  • red: the track is recording
  • blue: track is idle
  • evolving green: track is playing back
  • evolving yellow: track is overdubbing

Track context menu
Right clicking over each track display bar will show the track context menu with the following options:

  • Fade IN on playback: when a loop starts to play or overdubbing form idle state it will be faded in according to its XFD knob
  • Import Wav: loads a wav loop into the track)
  • Export Wav: it's active when a loop has been recorded and it saves a wav audio file, with the half second of extra recording included
  • Extra samples Tail (1sec): this indicates that the loop has been recorded with the tail. If a loop has been recorded with sickoLooper this option should be enabled, it's an information used to sync loops correctly and detect tempo if needed
  • Play Full Tail on Stop: if this option is enabled, when the loop stops at the end, the entire tail will be played without fading (except for a 8ms fade out before its final stop), otherwise the tail will be played with a fade out according to 'XFD' knob setting
  • Detect tempo and set bpm: clicking this function calculates the tempo of the loop and sets the bpm knob. Please note that it is calculated on the length of loop, the number of measure set and if the Extra Samples Tail option is enabled

Other track buttons and knobs
The little 'START immediately' and 'STOP immediately' led buttons start or stop immediately playback/overdub without waiting for loop sync, as explained below.

'SYNC' led button activates loop/tempo synchronization.

'REV' button sets the track reverse playback or overdubbing. Direction changes only when the end of the loop is reached.

'1SHOT' button runs playback/recording/overdubbing only once.

'SOLO' button lets the playback/recording/overdubbing only for one of the solo tracks at the same time. Solo setting can be changed only if the desired track is not running.

'XFD' knob sets the crossfade time between the end of the loop and the restart of the same. It can be set from 0 to 1000ms. Default is 8ms.
If 'Fade In on Play' option is enabled for that track in the context menu, when it starts playing or overdubbing the loop will be faded in according to its 'XFD' knob setting.

'PAN' knob simply stereo pans the output of the track. Panning affects source inputs only on each track output, but not on the main outputs, so the first recording of the loop will not be panned if only main outs are used.

'VOL' knob adjusts the volume of the track.

Track output section
"EoL" output sends a 1ms trigger when loop end is reached, and also when the loop is forced to stop if "Eol pulse on stop" option is active in the context menu.
"SRC" button sends the selected source input to the track output. If SRC button is off, source is sent to main outputs only if the 'SOURCEs to MASTER out' option is enabled on general context menu.
"OUTs" outputs are the single track stereo outputs.

Main output section
There are two separate stereo outputs called EAR and MASTER.
These outputs are the sum of all tracks and all the sources, but depending on the context menu 'Only Click on EAR' and 'SOURCEs to MASTER out' (see below) options.
EAR output has the audio click too, just to be connected to earphones. MASTER output is usually connected to speakers, but if audio click is needed, MST button on click section, adds it on this output too.

If track outputs are already used for separate processing, keep in mind that they are also routed to main outputs.

PLAY/REC buttons leds
The followings are the button led beahaviour depending on track status:

  • track empty: no buttons are lit
  • track recorded and stopped (idle). the PLAY button stays fixed green
  • track is playing: the play button blinks
  • track is recording: the rec button blinks
  • track is overdubbing: both the play and rec buttons blink

As explained below, if a command is pending due to tempo 'SYNC', the LED buttons flash quickly.
Pending commands due to clock or solo synchronization can be revoked with a further button press (undo).

SickoLooper5 in DEPTH

To avoid clicks between loop end/restart, every loop is recorded with a second of extra recording tail (as the maximum crossfade setting possible), so clicks can be avoided adjusting 'XFD' knob.
To maintain tempo synchronization the crossfade will start from the beginning of the tail, just when the loop restarts from the beginning.
If clicks occur on imported loops, which usually haven't extra samples recorded, it may be helpful to tick 'Extra Recording Tail (1sec)'' on track context menu and readjust XFD knob, keeping in mind that the loop will be a second shorter.
Please note that when playback or overdubbing starts for the first time it will not be neither crossfaded nor faded in by default, but there's an option in the track context menu to 'Fade IN on playback' according to XFD knob.

When overdubbing a track that has no 'Extra Samples Tail' option enabled, the second of extra samples will be recorded and added, and "Extra Samples Tail" option will be automatically ticked.

SYNC ON behavior
If at least one track is running, every PLAY/REC/OVERDUB/STOP command on a 'SYNC' track will wait for the next bar detection to be effective. It can be noticed because the LED buttons flash quickly.
These track state changes have effect with a crossfade set by XFD knob.

  • 'START immediately' is ON:
    When track is idle, it will start playing or overdubbing from the reached bar position of the meter by pressing PLAY or REC button.
    Please note that if the measure setting on the MEAS knob is greater than 1, the loop will start running from the bar position in the first measure of it, so pay attention on when commands are given.
    When loop is already playing or overdubbing, it will turn in the other state immediately by pressing respectively REC or PLAY button.
    These changes of state explained above have effect with a 6 ms fade.

  • 'STOP immediately' is ON:
    When loop is playing or overdubbing, it can be stopped immediately, going to idle state by pressing STOP button.
    When the loop is playing, it can be stopped immediately, going to idle state by pressing the PLAY button.
    When the loop is overdubbing, it can be turned directly to play state by pressing the REC button.
    These changes of state explained above have effect with a 6 ms fade.
    Please note that if 'START immediately' is set to OFF, when loop is overdubbing and PLAY button is pressed, it will turn its state to playing only when loop end is reached.

If a track is set to SOLO, 'START immediately' and 'STOP immediately' won't have effect if other SOLO tracks are currently playing/recording/overdubbing.

SYNC OFF behavior
MEAS knob is ignored when SYNC is off, it's only used to "Detect tempo" with its specific track context menu function.
Non-SYNCed tracks start to record immediately by pressing the REC button without any clock synchronization.
Recording can be stopped by pressing stop button, or restarted immediately to play state by pressing PLAY button, or turned immediately to overdub state by pressing the REC button again.

If the first track recorded is unsynced, tempo will be automatically detected and bpm knob set according also to measure knob. In this case metronome is reset if internal clock is used.

1SHOT setting usually stops looping when the first loop end is detected, but if a PLAY/OVERDUB command is given before, it will run until the end of the next loop is reached.

If there are SYNCed and unSYNCed SOLO tracks, the SYNCed ones will start running on the the first bar detection after the unSYNCed has stopped.

Undo commands, every pending command due to tempo synchronization or prerolling can be revoked by pressing the same button. Commands sent to solo tracks are cancelled by newer ones.


  • SOURCEs to MASTER out (ticked by default)
    This routes sources to main outputs. If it is disabled main outputs will receive only tracks playback.

  • Only Click on EAR (unticked by default)
    With this option enabled, the EAR outs will output only the audio click.

  • EOL pulse on STOP (unticked by default)
    With this option enabled EoL outputs the trigger also when a manual stop is committed.

  • PLAY Button Sequence Play button (or trigger) behavior can be set in three different modes:

  1. Play -> Stop (default): Play button will Play or Stop the loop.
  2. Rec -> Play -> Overdub : When a track is empty it will go recording loop. If the track is idle it will go playing loop, another button press will go overdubbing loop. Only STOP button will stop the loop
  3. Rec -> Overdub -> Play : When a track is empty it will go recording loop. If the track is idle it will go overdubbing loop, another button press will go playing loop. Only STOP button will stop the loop
  • Instant STOP button (unticked by default)
    if this option is enabled when pressing the STOP but button it will immediately stop track looping, even if SYNC is on. Only SYNC first recording is not affected by this option.

  • OVERDUB after REC (unticked by default)
    If this option is disabled, after a track is recorded and no incident command has been provided, track state goes automatically to playing state instead of overdub.

  • TRACK settings
    This submenu replicates the track context menu for each track

  • Load preset(+loops) This load a ".slp" file with all sickoLooper settings stored. If corresponding audio files are found loops are loaded into the module.

  • Save preset This saves a ".slp" file with all sickoLooper settings.

  • Save preset + loops This saves a ".slp" file with all sickoLooper settings and every recorded loop in separate wav files.

  • Click Settings

    • Click Presets
      There are 3 predefined types of audio clicks, each one with beat and bar sample.

    • Load BEAT click / Load BAR click
      Audio click can be customized loading mono wav samples using "Load BEAT" and "Load BAR" options.


wav sample player


  • samples and 1-cycle waveforms player
  • ±24 semitones tuning and v/oct input with polyphony
  • envelope generator, loop, reverse, pingpong
  • different interpolation modes, anti-aliasing filter, phase-scan feature



Load sample using context menu or right-click in the waveform display area to access quick load menu.
Once a sample is loaded samples in the same folder can be browsed using Previous and Next buttons above the display.

The display shows the waveform, filename, sample duration and number of channels (1-2 channels wav file are allowed).

Mode switch allows to select if sample playback starts with a trigger or play it until a gate is high.

When in Trig Mode the Trig-Type switch has 3 options:

  • SS (Start/Stop) A trigger starts attack stage from CueStart postition, another trigger sets playback to release stage and at the end sample position is reset to cue start
  • R (Restart) Every trigger starts attack stage from CueStart position. Only a Stop trigger stops playback.
  • PP (Play/Pause) A trigger starts attack stage from curent sample position, another trigger goes to release stage. A Stop trigger reset position to CueStart.

In any Trig-Type a trigger on STOP input sets the playback to release stage.

TRG/GTE and STOP buttons have effects only on channel 0 of polyphony.

Cue Start/End knobs are used to set the start of the Attack and the Release stage.

When Loop button is switched on, playback restarts from Loop Start when Loop End is reached.

REV button changes the playback start direction.

PNG button enables PingPong mode:

  • in TRIG mode, when loop is enabled, if Loop Start/End is reached playback direction is inverted without stopping playback
  • in GATE mode, if Loop Start/End is reached when loop is enabled, or when Cue Start/End is reached, playback direction is inverted without stopping playback

XFD knob (crossfade) sets crossfading time in loop mode, or fadeout time before the end of sample is reached.

The envelope knobs can be external modulated with attenuverted CVinputs.

Tune knob with its attenuverted CVinput, can tune up or down the sample with a ±2 octave range (semitone scale).
v/oct input accepts polyphonic cable usually combined with a polyphonic gate in when in Gate Mode.

Master knob, with its attenuverted CVinput, sets the output volume from 0 to 200%. Limit switch is a hard clip limiter with a ±5v range. A led clip light warns of clipping.

If sample file is mono, left out is duplicated to right out.
EOC outputs a 1ms pulse when the sample reaches certain point according to a specific context menu (see below).
EOR outputs a 1ms pulse when the sample reaches the end of release stage.


Sample Slot
Click on "Load Sample" to open dialog. Use Clear options to unload sample from slot.
As described before, just right-click over the waveform display area to access the quick-load menu.
When a sample is loaded, file sample rate and number of channels are shown here.

Set samples root folder
Once a folder is set, 'Samples browser' option is activated here and in the quick load menu (right click on display) to quickly choose samples from the selected folder and subfolders.

There are 3 different interpolation algorithms that are engaged during playback only when the sample samplerate differs from VCV working samplerate or playback speed differs from 100%.

  • 'No interpolation' can be used when sample rates match and tune is set to zero
  • 'Linear 1' and 'Linear 2' interpolate the samples with different weighted averages
  • 'Hermite' uses a Cubic Hermite interpolation that usually offers a better result (default)

Phase scan
This feature automatically sets Cue and Loop Start/Stop positions at zero crossing points to avoid loop clicks and pops eventually in combination with proper crossfade length.
Be sure to disable it when using one-cycle waveforms, or simply use the specific preset (see below)
Please not that Scan will be applied only on left channel

Anti-aliasing filter
Anti-aliasing filter is made up with 2x oversampling and a 20khz lowpass filter.

Polyphonic OUTs
When this option is enabled the audio and EOC/EOR outputs reflect v/oct input polyphony. Otherwise polyphonic outputs are mixed in one monophonic out.

Polyphonic Master INs
When this option is enabled the Master CV input accepts polyphonic cables according to V/Oct input polyphony. For example this can be used for velocity control.

EOC pulse from
This submenu sets when the EOC pulses are triggered:

  • TRG/GATE when is triggered to stop
  • STOP triggering
  • reached CUE END (on forward playback)
  • reached CUE START (on reverse playback)
  • reached LOOP END (on forward playback)
  • reached LOOP START (on reverse playback)
  • PING: reached LOOP END (when pingpong looping on forward playback)
  • PONG: reached LOOP START (when pingpong looping on reverse playback)

Reset Cursors on Load
Always resets Cue/Loop Start/stop to 0 and 100% when a new sample is loaded.

Disable NAV buttons
Disables panel Sample Navigation buttons to avoid utilizing mistakes.

Store sample in Patch
This option allows to save the loaded samples in vcv patch file to use it on other machines or if the orginal sample files are missing.
Please note that this could make the patch filesize very large.

Presets There are some factory presets stored in the context menu for common using settings.


One-cycle waveforms can be used in GATE mode with LOOP mode enabled.
Be sure to recall relative preset or disable PhaseScan, adjust Cue and Loop START to 0% and Cue/Loop END to 100% and enable loop button.


wav sample player and recorder


  • mono/stereo sample recorder
  • mono/stereo samples and 1-cycle waveforms player
  • ±24 semitones tuning and v/oct input with polyphony
  • envelope generator, loop, reverse, pingpong
  • anti-aliasing filter, phase-scan feature



About player functionalities please follow sickoPlayer instructions. Please note that loaded samples in sickoSampler are always resampled to VCV working samplerate. For this reason interpolation is fixed to Hermite. It can be always toggled antialiasing filter from context menu.

In sickoSampler the display shows also the recording time and a yellow "S" if sample is not saved yet. In the context menu, along file infos, it's shown if the sample was resampled on loading and if it has to be saved because a recording occurred.

Recording section has 2 inputs, but record is only enabled if at least left channel is connected.
Record button arms recording waiting for a playback trig, or starts recording when a sample is playing back, or starts recording immediately if PoR button is on (see below).
Record trig input toggles start/stop or arm/unarm recording, but if "STOP REC" trig input is connected it only starts recording.

GAIN knob adjusts the volume of the inputs.
FD knob sets the fade in/out time when recording starts or stops.

OVD button overdubs existing sample.

XTN button enables extended recording. In forward recording, it continues recording also when cue end point or sample end are reached. In reverse recording it keeps recording until sample begin point is reached. If loop is enabled XTN button has no effect and it will record as usual.
Please note that when in loop recording XFD knob is overridden, and it will not do any crossfade.

RRM (REC Re-Arm): when recording is stopped by a playback trig/button, it is rearmed when release time has ended or fadeout recording has finished. This function is not available in conjunction with POR "Play on REC". In "Restart" trig-type mode recording is rearmed only when after a STOP trig/button is detected.

REL (Record Release Stage): keeps recording while playback is stopped and it is in its release stage. Please note that it will always continue recording until the "Rec Fade in/out" knob (FD) time setting is reached (also if release stage of the playback is reached).

UCE (Update Cue End): resets the Cue End cursor to the end of recording when it is stopped (if recording is reversed it updates Cue Start cursor).

ULE (Update Loop End): same as above, but affects Loop End cursor.

POR (Play On REC ON): when REC button is switched ON or REC trig it will start playback and recording simultaneously. It disables also the REC Re-Arm function.

SOR (Stop On REC OFF): when REC button is switched OFF or REC trig or REC STOP trig, it will stop record and playback simultaneously. If playback STOP button/trig occurs, it will stop recording only and continue playing. In Play/Pause trig type it will reset position to Cue Start as STOP button/trigger usually does.

MON switch selects inputs routing to the outs: always [ON], while recording only [REC], or never [OFF].

Recording speed follows v/oct and tune settings.
As recording is not polyphonic, polyphony is disabled when the REC button is switched on, and the record playhead will follow only channel nr 0 on the polyphonic cables connected to v/oct.

"Sample Clear" input: if this input is triggered, it erases the recorded sample.

HINT: If it's planned to record a sample to play it polyphonically with a master keyboard, please connect gate and v/oct to a MIDI>CV module with 'Reset' polyphony mode selected. Clear any previous sample in memory, select GATE mode, switch the LOOP button on, arm recording and consider adjusting envelope knobs. On key press (C4 for example) sickoSampler will start recording until key is unpressed, then the sample can be played immediately.

New sample recording
In Trig Mode, when recording is stopped by a trig or blue button press and LOOP button is switched on, the sample will be played back immediately in loop mode, and if Rec Re-Arm is on it will keep recording.


Please refer to sickoPlayer for context menu, in sickoSampler following options are added:

  • Save FULL Sample: saves the entire sample in a wav file.
  • Save CUE Region: saves the wav file from Cue Start to Cue End
  • Save LOOP Region: saves the wav file from Loop Start to Loop End
  • Trim Sample after Save: If this option is enabled, the sample is trimmed and saved in the chosen saving mode, otherwise it will be saved trimmed, but the entire sample remains available in memory
  • Save Oversampled: If this option is enabled, samples will be saved at sickoSampler working samplerate (2x VCV samplerate). This can be useful when samples are recorded at different speeds than normal for further external editing.
  • UCE/ULE updates also Start: if UCE and/or ULE button are on, when recording is stopped also Cue Start and/or Loop Start cursors are reset to the recording start position (if recording is reversed it updates Cue/Loop End cursor).
  • Crossfade while Rec Fading: If overdub is not activated this option crossfades between previous and current recording only during fading in/out recording time, accordingly to the FD knob.


wav sample player and recorder


  • mono/stereo sample recorder
  • mono/stereo samples and 1-cycle waveforms player
  • v/oct input with polyphony
  • 90s style cyclic time-stretch feature
  • envelope generator, loop, reverse, pingpong
  • anti-aliasing filter, phase-scan feature



This audio sampling module simplifies the functionalities of sickoSampler by eliminating overdubbing, tuning and modulation of many parameters, but at the same time it implements a 90s style cyclic time stretch algorithm.
Please refer to sickoSampler and sickoPlayer instructions for the main module features.
The main difference is that recording is enabled only when the sample is not loaded or previously recorded, so the sample has to be cleared to reactivate the REC button.
A REC buttonpress starts recording immediately, there is no arming functionality.
Monitor switch has been replaced by a led buttton.

Recording fade in/out can be achieved setting XFD knob, please remember to set it back to 0 if this is not necessary on playback.
The default trig type is Start/Stop: a first trig on Trig Input or a Trig buttonpress starts playback and a second trig goes to release stage.
The 'R' led button switches to Start/Restart trig type: every trig on Trig Input or a Trig buttonpress restarts sample from the beginning. As there is no STOP button, the sample can be stopped just switching the Mode to Gate.
The VOL knob set the master volume from 0 to 100%. Its CV input is added to knob value.

Time Stretch
'STRETCH' knob lengthen or shorten the sample without pitch change and it can be set from 1 to 999%.
100% means no time stretch (default). If it is set to 50% the sample will be played in half time. If it set to 200% the sample will be played in double time as original.
'SIZ' knob sets the size of the cycle in milliseconds.
When lengthening some clicks may occur at the end of the sample, especially when looping. This behaviour can be reduced adjusting cross fade knob and/or cycle size.

Cyclic Time stretch algorithm usually plays samples with its characteristic metallic sound, especially when slowing down and depending on cycle size setting.
If it is used in combination with v/oct modulation some interesting results can be achieved.
Please note that extreme settings can however alter pitch a little or obtain a bit of chorus/echo.

Context Menu
'Auto Monitor Off' option is activated by default and it stops monitoring input after a recording is stopped.

switcher / switcherSt

2>1 switch, 1>2 router, 2 signal swapper, mute, flip flop, toggle gate


  • Signal switch (2 inputs, 1 output)
  • Signal router (1 input, 2 outputs)
  • Signal swapper (2 inputs, 2 outputs)
  • Mute (1 input, 1 output)
  • Flip flop
  • Toggle gate
  • Function type autodetection (switch, route, swap, mute, flipflop, toggle gate)
  • Adjustable time crossfade between switched/routed/swapped signals



Switcher or SwitcherSt (used for stereo signals) are multifunction modules that can be used as follows. The versatility of the module is offered thanks to the automatic detection of the function type.

When the MODE switch is in 'TOGGLE' position functions are activated by triggers in a toggle style.
When in 'GATE' position functions are gate sensitive, so they stay active until 'T/G' input receives a high gate.

Function types
The function type is automatically detected depending on connected cables.

Switch: connect 2 inputs and 1 output
Router: connect 1 input and 2 outputs
Swapper: connect both two inputs and two outputs
Mute: connect 1 input and 1 output
FlipFlop: connect 2 outputs only
ToggleGate: connect 1 output only ('TOGGLE' mode only)

A trigger on RST input will reset the toggle to its default state.

Default states depend on function type and which input or output sockets are connected.

Switch: if OUT1 is connected, the default signal will be the IN1 input. If OUT2 is connected instead, the default signal will be the IN2 input
Router: if IN1 is connected, the signal will be routed to OUT1 output by default. If IN2 is connected, the default destination will be OUT2 output
Swapper: the default is always IN1>OUT1 and IN2>OUT2. Mute: if IN1 and OUT1 (or IN2 and OUT2) the defualt is mute. If IN1 and OUT2 (or IN2 and OUT1) are connected the default is signal unmute
FlipFlop: default is always OUT1
ToggleGate: if OUT1 is connected the default is a LOW GATE. If OUT2 is connected instead, the default is a HIGH GATE

Green leds close to the in/out sockets show which input signal is switched or to which output destination is routed.
When used as a swapper the OUT1 led on shows that signals are normally routed, otherwise the OUT2 led on shows when signals are swapped.

Fader knob sets the crossfade time (up to 10s) between the switched/routed/swapped signals. Set the knob to minimum (1ms) to have no fade. CV input is added to Fade knob value and the sum will be clamped in the range of 0-10v.

Context Menu

  • Initialize On Start: discards previous module state on VCV restart


  • If Fader knob is set to 1ms it won't do any fade
  • In FlipFlop and ToggleGate function types the output will consist in a 'fixed' AR envelope
  • When a fade time is set, the module will act as an envelope generator, so if a function activation is detected during a fade, the function will restart immediately (not like a function generator)
  • On SwitcherSt module the function type is detected on Left channel sockets, so don't use Right channels without Left ones
  • Polyphony on signal inputs is replicated on outs

toggler / toggler Compact

Stereo signal toggle switch router, with VCA and ASR envelope generator, in regular and compact form factor


  • Toggled VCA with builtin ASR envelope generator
  • Toggled ASR envelope generator
  • mute/unmute CVs or mono/stereo AUDIO signals according to an ASR envelope activated by a Gate or Toggle Triggers




On receiving a trigger on TRIG input, it will send the L+(R) inputs to L+(R) outputs and set the GATE output to high. On next trigger it will interrupt L+(R) outputs and set the GATE output to low.

Attack, Sustain and Release knobs set the envelope of the routed signal.

A, S, R CVinputs are added to respective knob values, Toggler module has attenuverters.

If L or (R) inputs are not connected, L and (R) outputs will provide just the envelope, so a mono signal can be connected to L input to route it to L output and nothing connected to (R) input to have the envelope on (R) output.

A trigger on RESET input will reset the toggle state.

Polyphony on L/(R) inputs is replicated on outs.


The same of toggle mode, but the signals will be routed only while GATE input is in a high state.

NOTE: If a new GATE or Toggle TRIGGER is detected on Attack or Release phases, the envelope ramp will immediately restart from the reached point, as a regular envelope generator and not like a function generator.


If Attack is set to 1ms (and release is set greater than 1ms) and a new GATE or Toggle TRIGGER is detected before Release phase has ended, the next Release phase will start from the previous reached release point.

If Release is set to 1ms (and attack is set greater than 1ms) and a new GATE or Toggle TRIGGER is detected before Attack phase has ended, the next Attack phase will start from the previous reached Attack point.

These behaviors are more understandable connecting a scope on the output.

Context Menu

  • Initialize On Start: discards previous module state on VCV restart


wavetable sample player


  • 1-cycle waveforms player
  • ±24 semitones tuning and v/oct input with polyphony
  • envelope generator, reverse, pingpong
  • anti-aliasing filter



Load sample using context menu or right-click in the waveform display area to access quick load menu.
Once a sample is loaded samples in the same folder can be browser using Previous and Next buttons below the display.

REV button changes the playback start direction.

PNG button enables PingPong mode: playback direction is inverted when sample reaches its edges.

The envelope knobs can be external modulated with attenuverted CVinputs.

Tune knob with its attenuverted CVinput, can tune up or down the sample with a ±2 octave range (semitone scale).

Master knob, with its attenuverted CVinput, sets the output volume from 0 to 200%. Limit switch is a hard clip limiter with a ±5v range. A led clip light warns of clipping.

Context Menu

Please refer to sickoPlayer documentation.


The Component Library graphics for these modules are copyright © VCV and licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0

Thanks to Squinkylabs, Firo Lightfog and AuxMux for help and testings, and all the Vcv community
Thanks to Omri Cohen for support
Thanks to Clément Foulc for creating cfPlayer, which was the basis and inspiration for writing all the sampler modules in this collection