Pinned issues
- 0
therubyracer-0.12.3/lib/v8/context.rb:99: [BUG] Segmentation fault at 0x00000000000000
#436 opened by astropanic - 4
- 1
Issue Running Server or Console
#426 opened by dudleysr - 8
GIL lock in multithreaded environment
#432 opened by BenTalagan - 0
- 0
- 4
- 3
- 0
Lots of warnings with recent defaults
#440 opened by lloeki - 1
- 8
- 6
compilation error on Amazon Linux, "g++: error: unrecognized command line option"
#446 opened by arifb - 2
update to libv8-6.x ilne
#447 opened by blshkv - 3
the ruby racer fails with hardened gcc flags
#453 opened by ibotty - 17
Gem fails to build under Catalina
#455 opened by coding-red-panda - 4
- 1
- 2
- 2
Security Vulnerability in therubyracer-0.12.3
#460 opened by Bkahler - 12
- 1
Precompile freezing during kubernetes deploy
#465 opened by noir-fm - 1
Intall using local libv8 gem dependency
#463 opened by raquelhortab - 6
Installing on Ruby > 3.0
#467 opened by AryeShemesh - 1
This gem is no longer actively maintained
#462 opened by 0xdevalias - 4
- 1
No ES6 support?
#438 opened by ryancheung - 2
- 2
use therubyracer to precompile asset error
#448 opened by bestony - 1
Compilation error
#445 opened by Hax4us - 5
Gem install fails on Mac OS 10.12 Beta 3
#416 opened by bhushangahire - 4
error for undefine method
#442 opened by MassMadankumar - 2
- 1
Unable to install on FreeBSD 11.0 p2
#434 opened by michaelbaisch - 1
- 1
- 4
TypeError when require'ing on Ruby 2.4
#427 opened by denisdefreyne - 3
Can't compile on Windows 10
#422 opened by alehostert - 2
Rails 5 development fail to start on Ruby 2.4
#429 opened by Sega100500 - 5
- 1
ERROR: Error installing therubyracer
#424 opened by raky291 - 1
Is There Project movement
#423 opened by snuggs - 1
- 18
Unable to install on OS X 10.11.4 with Ruby 2.2.4
#405 opened by Geesu - 2
__isnan: symbol not found
#404 opened by atwoodjw - 3
Can't install on El Capitan
#402 opened by benson-basis - 2
Unable to install on FreeBSD 10.1 with ruby 2.0.0
#407 opened by etolstoy - 2
Can't compile ruby on OS X 10.11.4
#408 opened - 2
- 15
- 1
How to load jQuery source code
#401 opened by simcookies