Quake log parser


This is a game log parser project that I've been learning ruby. The idea of the project is to extract informations of each game and show the output in the console. For example: the players' names, who killed who, the ranking of the players...The project consist in two tasks and one plus.

Repository source here.


I started opening the file games.log and reading each line to extract informations like when a game begin and end, after I catch the players' names and to store in the game class.


Install ruby in your local machine by typing:

$ sudo apt-get intall ruby-full

If you use windows enter rubyinstaller.org to do the download of ruby.


Do a clone of this repo typing $ git clone https://github.com/brunorafa-el/quake_log_parser.git and run the project typing $ ruby main.rb inside the lib folder.

My learning

My knowleadge about programming still is very small so to do a little part of this project was a big challeng for me but I learned a lot of new things and that's what matters I believe.