
A categorized community-driven collection of awesome Jets libraries, tools, frameworks and software

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A categorized community-driven collection of awesome Jets libraries, tools, frameworks and software. The essential tools to build modern Jets Apps and Web Apps.

Sharing, suggestions and contributions are always welcome! Please take a look at the contribution guidelines and quality standard first.

Thanks to all contributors, you're awesome and this wouldn't be possible without you!

API Builder and Discovery

  • jbuilder Jets - Create JSON structures via a Builder-style DSL.


  • Revise Auth - A lightweight authentication solution for Jets.


  • Dynomite - A DynamoDB ORM that is ActiveModel compatible.

Error Reporting

  • Airbrake - Fix errors in minutes – Airbrake tells you in real-time what's broken, where, and why.
  • Bugsnag Jets - Error monitoring for Jets.
  • HoneyBadger - HoneyBadger is real-time error reporting and monitoring service.
  • Rollbar - Rollbar is real-time error reporting and monitoring service.
  • Sentry - Sentry is an error tracking service that helps developers monitor and fix crashes in real time.

Template Engine

  • Haml Jets - HTML Abstraction Markup Language.
  • Slim Jets - Reduce the syntax to the essential parts without becoming cryptic.

Example Projects