
🐳 Docker For PHP Developers

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Docker For PHP Developers

Docker Automated build

Customized Docker images crafted with care for various PHP tasks. Containing PHP, Nginx and OpenLiteSpeed.


  • Latest PHP 7.1 and upcoming PHP 7.2
  • Composer installation script
  • Nginx
  • OpenLiteSpeed
  • PHP Extensions installation script
  • runit for running multiple services without overhead.
  • Debian Jessie slim or Alpine base image
  • Optimized Docker image sizes


PHP 7.1

PHP 7.2

Quick Usage

Create a Dockerfile for your setup:

FROM phpearth/php:nginx

To run a CLI PHP script:

docker run -it --rm -v `pwd`:/usr/src/myapp -w /usr/src/myapp phpearth/php php script.php


Check a more extended documentation for additional information how to use these images and what's included.

License and Contributing

Contributions are most welcome. This repository is released under the MIT license.