
Forward deploy hook HTTP Posts to as N other endpoinst

Primary LanguageRuby

Deploy hook forker

Many hosting services, like Heroku, only allow you to have one HTTP deploy hook. We needed more so we wrote this app. This app accepts a post to /:app and forwards the post and its params to all the urls listed for that app in the config file.


Clone this app

git clone https://github.com/deadlyicon/deploy-hook-forker.git
cd deploy-hook-forker

Modify the config file

  slack: https://other.slack.com/services/hooks/heroku?token=<%= ENV["SLACK_TOKEN"] %>
  appsignal: https://push.appsignal.com/1/markers/heroku?api_key=<%= ENV["APP_SIGNAL_API_KEY"] %>
  honeybadger: https://api.honeybadger.io/v1/deploys?deploy[environment]=production&api_key=<%= ENV["HONEYBADGER_API_KEY"] %>
  honeybadger: https://api.honeybadger.io/v1/deploys?deploy[environment]=staging&api_key=<%= ENV["HONEYBADGER_API_KEY"] %>

Push it up to heroku

heroku apps:create ${COMPANY_NAME}-deploy-hook-forker

Point your app's HTTP deploy hook to the new deploy hook forker app

heroku addons:add deployhooks:http --url=http://${COMPANY_NAME}-deploy-hook-forker.herokuapp.com


Heroku deploy hook docs