A POC implementation of word re-ordering card in Anki. Written in new year holidays, 2023.

How to introduce

  1. download main.XXXXXXXX.js and main.XXXXXXXX.css from here
  2. place the js file, downloaded in step 1, wherever under Anki's collection.media folder
  3. create a new note type with an appropriate name and set the card template as follows


<div id="front">
<div id="front-inner">


<div id="back">
<p id="sentence">{{Back}}</p>
<div id="root"></div>
<script defer="defer" src="main.XXXXXXXX.js"></script>

Note: src of the above script tag must be matched to the path of the file you located on step 2. If you located the file under a folder, the path must be the relative path from collection.media folder.


/* set basic UI setting for your deck  */
.card {
    font-family: arial;
    font-size: 12px;

/* copy and paste the content of main.XXXXXXXX.css file downloaded in step1 */
  1. change the note type of an existing card to the note type created above or create a new one. It's OK if it works as follows:

Ankiで整序問題やるやつがAnkiDroidでも動くようになった。ワイワイ pic.twitter.com/hHXUB3NiER

— るびゅ (@ruby_U) January 3, 2023