
Primary LanguageScala


is a text processing tool inspired by AWK. It is @rubyu's holiday homework, summer 2014.

WOK versus AWK

Running a script

$ wok 'print("hello!")'
$ awk 'BEGIN { print "hello!" }'

Running a program file

$ wok -f program-file input
$ awk -f program-file input


$ wok -v name=value
$ awk -v name=value

Operating fields

In { _ foreach { row => 
{ print $1 }

Filtering data

In { _ foreach {
  case row if row exists ("pattern".r.findFirstIn(_).isDefined) => 
    println(row: _*)
  case _ =>
/pattern/ { print $0 }

Printing to a file

val path = "list" !<
In { _ foreach { _ =>
{ print NF > "list" }

Executing a system command

In { _ foreach { row =>
  val res = Seq("echo", row(0)) #| Seq("grep", "angel") !>

Unique function to WOK

Typed variables

# The following command is equivalent to 
# var name = `value`
$ wok -v@char name=value

# The following command is equivalent to 
# var name = "value"
$ wok -v@str name=value

# The following command is equivalent to 
# var name = """value"""
$ wok -v@rawstr name=value


The implimentation of wok.csv is compatible with Python's loose csv module, then, Quoting-mode, quote-char and escape-char can be set to Reader and Writer.

// Setting Quote(mode=Min, quote='"') to Reader
FQ = Quote Min 

// Setting Quote(mode=All, quote='"', escape='\\') to Writer
OFQ = Quote All Q('"') E('\\')


// Setting Codec to Reader
CD = Codec("UTF-8")

// Setting Codec to Writer
OCD = Codec("UTF-16")


Built-in functions

Name Type Arguments Note
print Unit Any * print given data
printf Unit Any * print given data and OFS
println Unit Any * print given data and ORS
In A Iterator[List[String]] => A

Built-in variables

All the variables in the following list can be reassinged, but you should be aware of this. If you substitute new Codec instance to CD inside of an Iterator of Row, the change would not reflect to the Iterator. This is the only limitation to the reassginment of built-in valiables.

Name Type Default Value
FS Regex Regex("[ \t]+")
RS Regex Regex("\r\n|\r|\n")
FQ Quote Quote.None
CD Codec Codec("utf-8")
OFS String " "
ORS String "\n"
OFQ Quote Quote.None
OCD Codec Codec("utf-8")

Built-in read-only variables

Note that the following system variables cannot be reassigned.

Name Type Default Value
ARGV List[String] Nil
ARGC Int 0
FILENAME String ""
NFR Int 0
NR Int 0
NF Int 0
FT List[String] Nil
RT String ""

Built-in classes

Name Package
Stdin wok.core.Stdio.in
Stdout wok.core.Stdio.out
Stderr wok.core.Stdio.err
Quote wok.csv.Quote
Codec scalax.io.Codec
Resource scalax.io.Resource
Path scalax.file.Path

Built-in implicit conversions

Target Result
String scalax.file.Path
Codec Charset
String scala.sys.patched.process.ProcessBuilder
Seq[String] scala.sys.patched.process.ProcessBuilder

Built-in value classes

Target Name Type Arguments Note
OutputStream print Unit Any * print given data
OutputStream printf Unit Any * print given data and OFS
OutputStream println Unit Any * print given data and ORS
InputStreamResource #> A InputStream => A
OutputStreamResource #< A OutputStream => A
Path #> A InputStream => A
Path !<< AppendModePath
Path #<< A OutputStream => A
Path !< RedirectModePath
Path #< A OutputStream => A
String #> A InputStream => A
String !<< AppendModePath
String #<< A OutputStream => A
String !< RedirectModePath
String #< A OutputStream => A
ProcessBuilder !> wok.process.Result