Ballopolis Maze Riders


This is a web app build as the final project for the ISDI Coders' online web development fullstack bootcamp.
Ballopolis is meant to be a social game, where you create levels that are fun and challenging to beat for other players.
In doing so, you earn achivements to add to your profile and show off to other users.
To create those levels you need to earn Customization Credits by playing other people levels.
So you play levels to earn points to create levels that other people will play to earn points to create levels that you will play!

Functional description

Use cases

  • login
  • create a user
  • create level
  • play level
  • earn achivements
  • toggle like level
  • toggle favorite to save a level
  • follow users
  • see other users (and mine) achivements
  • see other users (and mine) created levels
  • see other users (and mine) saved levels
  • customize your avatar
  • change/recover my password
  • add recovery questions
  • search users or levels

UI desgin

The initial views were drawn in a whiteboard, digitalized and add to to create a prototype you can see here.

Technical description

Technologies & Libraries

  • React
  • Vite
  • Three JS
  • Tailwind
  • React-Lottie
  • Bootstrap-icons
  • Node
  • Express
  • MongoDB and Mongoose
  • Socket.IO
  • Mocha Chai for backend testing

Data models


  • id (oid)
  • name (string)
  • layout (matrix of strings)
  • health points (number)
  • author (user oid)
  • likes (array of oid)
  • date (date)


  • id (oid)
  • username (string)
  • password (string)
  • avatar (string)
  • unlockAvatars (array of strings)
  • color (string)
  • recovery questions (array of objects)
  • joined (dates)
  • saves (array of oid)
  • follows (array of oid)
  • followers (array of oid)
  • customization credits (number)


  • user (oid)
  • progressByAchivement (array of objects)


  • code (string)
  • name (string)
  • description (string)
  • category (string)
  • ranks (array of numbers)
  • progress (number)
  • isRankBronzeReached (boolean)
  • isRankSilverReached (boolean)
  • isRankGoldReached (boolean)


  • user (oid)
  • sessionDetails (array of objects)


  • socketId (string)
  • date (date)

Test Coverage

File % Stmts % Branch % Funcs % Lines Uncovered Line #s
All files 99.03 91.87 98.95 98.93
data 100 100 100 100
achievements.js 100 100 100 100
models.js 100 100 100 100
logic/achievements 97.1 87.83 100 96.87
retrieveCompleteAchievements.js 100 100 100 100
updateCCAchievements.js 100 95 100 100 46
updateCreateAchievements.js 96 83.33 100 95.65 44
updateGameAchievements.js 96 83.33 100 95.65 45
updateSocialAchievements.js 95.83 85.71 100 95.65 50
updateTutorialAchievements.js 95.83 80 100 95.45 40
logic/helpers 100 93.75 100 100
updateAchievementsProgress.js 100 93.75 100 100 12
logic/helpers/tests 100 100 100 100
cleanUp.js 100 100 100 100
generate.js 100 100 100 100
index.js 100 100 100 100
logic/levels 100 95.34 100 100
createLevel.js 100 100 100 100
deleteLevel.js 100 100 100 100
editLevel.js 100 100 100 100
retrieveLevel.js 100 100 100 100
retrieveLevels.js 100 100 100 100
retrieveLevelsByAuthor.js 100 100 100 100
retrieveLevelsByFollowed.js 100 100 100 100
retrieveLevelsSaved.js 100 100 100 100
searchLevels.js 100 100 100 100
toggleLike.js 100 87.5 100 100 25
toggleSave.js 100 87.5 100 100 25
logic/session 97.22 100 87.5 96.96
cleanSession.js 100 100 100 100
createSession.js 93.33 100 66.66 93.33 28
retrieveAllUserSessions.js 100 100 100 100
logic/users 99.59 93.1 100 99.54
addRecoveryQuestion.js 100 100 100 100
authenticateUser.js 100 100 100 100
checkRecoveryAnswer.js 100 100 100 100
recoverPassword.js 100 100 100 100
registerUser.js 95.65 50 100 95.65 60
retrieveCC.js 100 100 100 100
retrieveRandomRecoveryQuestion.js 100 100 100 100
retrieveUnlockAvatars.js 100 100 100 100
retrieveUser.js 100 100 100 100
retrieveUserLogged.js 100 100 100 100
searchUsers.js 100 100 100 100
toggleFollow.js 100 80 100 100 25-26
unlockAvatar.js 100 100 100 100
updateAvatar.js 100 100 100 100
updateCC.js 100 83.33 100 100 25
updateColor.js 100 100 100 100
updatePassword.js 100 100 100 100


Planned through a kanban visible on this Trello.

Epics & Stories

Demo page

  • Me as a user, I want to see a basic page where i can try the main functionalities and learn about the app
use cases
  • create level
  • play level

Access control

  • Me as a user, I want to get the chance to sign up and log in into the web app and with that access more functionalities
use cases
  • login
  • create a user
  • toggle like level
  • toggle favorite to save a level
  • follow users

User views

  • Me as a user, I want to have te option to update privacy settings and customize my profile.
use cases
  • change/recover my password
  • add recovery questions
  • see other users (and mine) created levels
  • see other users (and mine) saved levels
  • search users or levels


  • Me as a user, I want to get little awards that stimulate me to keep playing and interact with other users.
use cases
  • earn achivements
  • see other users (and mine) achivements

Customization Credits

  • Me as a user, I want to earn points when I play that I can spend to create more levels or customize my profile
use cases
  • customize your avatar

Project setup

This project is configured to run both in local or through EC2 on AWS. To know more click here.