Embark on a quest with a water droplet called Baubi, as it journeys from a magical forest through deserts and underground caverns to revive dying forests and restore life with the power of ancient magic.
Please Enjoy!
🎮 Download Here: The Last Drop of Hope
Game Category: 🏃2D Platformer, 🧩Puzzle Solving
- Download Unity Hub: https://unity.com/download
- On Unity Hub install Unity version 2022.3.38f1
- Create and navigate to a directory for scource code intallation
- Clone this repository with the following command:
git clone https://github.com/ruchi-ukhade/waterdroplet-game.git
- On Unity Hub, go to Project -> Add -> Choose the directory that you have created -> Open
- Enjoy our game, and happy coding!
Hi! we are Halibut Studio, the 4-person team behind the game The Last Drop of Hope.
Team Members:
Jiecheng Chen - Lead Developer, Gameplay/Level Designer
Ruchi Ukhade - Developer, Animator, Coordinator
Xindi Lyu - Art Director, Animator, Game Gaphics Designer
Zhiyu Zhang - Player Researcher