
LightBox_Js_Plugin-45 is a lightweight, modern, and responsive lightbox plugin that is easy to use and customizable. It has no dependencies and works with all modern browsers. It is also relatively easy to customize the appearance of the lightbox because it doesn’t ship with a lot of predefined themes or custom classes. Go wild!!.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a modern , simplistic and light-weight plugin for a Light-Box. Repo contains 3 files :

  • index.htm // HTML file (dummy implementation)
  • lightBoxStyle.css // CSS file
  • lightBoxPLugin.js // JS file

To use the plugin :

  • Attach the lightBoxStyle.css stylesheet to your HTML file

  • Give a special class to all the images that you want the Light-Box to detect ( say , class = "lightBoxImages" )

  • Import the LightBox class from lightBoxPLugin.js file and create an object of it, and pass the class name you chose in earlier step import {LightBox} from '...Path of lightBoxPLugin.js File'; new LightBox("lightBoxImages");

  • [ Optional ] You can choose to disable the key Actions of LightBox ( to allow lightbox to be closed/navigated using keyboard). To do that while creating object pass 'allowKeyAction' parameter as false new LightBox("lightBoxImages",false);

  • Check for message in log : "plugin installed successfully" for successful plugin install.