
Type safety + intellisense for your RudderStack analytics data

Primary LanguageTypeScript


RudderTyper is a tool for generating strongly-typed RudderStack analytics libraries based on your pre-defined tracking plan spec.

RudderTyper GIF Example


  • Strongly Typed Clients: Generates strongly-typed RudderStack clients that provide compile-time errors, along with intellisense for events and property names, types and descriptions.

  • Analytics Testing and Validation: Lets you validate if your instrumentation matches your spec before deploying to production, so you can fail your CI builds without a manual QA process.

  • Cross-Language Support: Supports native clients for Javascript, Node.js, Android and iOS.

  • RudderStack Tracking Plans: Built-in support to sync your ruddertyper clients with your centralized RudderStack tracking plans.

Get Started

To fire up a quickstart wizard to create a ruddertyper.yml and generate your first client with the specified configuration details, run the following command:

$ npx rudder-typer init | initialize | quickstart

Other Commands


$ npx rudder-typer update | u | *   (default)

This command syncs plan.json with RudderStack to pull the latest changes in your tracking plan and then generates an updated development client.


$ npx rudder-typer build | b | d | dev | development

This command generates a development client from plan.json.


$ npx rudder-typer prod | p | production

This command generates a production client from plan.json.


$ npx rudder-typer token | tokens | t

This command prints the local RudderStack API token configuration.


$ npx rudder-typer version

This command prints the RudderTyper CLI version.


$ npx rudder-typer help

This command prints the help message describing different commands available with RudderTyper.

CLI Arguments

Argument Type Description
config string An optional path to a ruddertyper.yml (or a directory with ruddertyper.yml).
debug boolean An optional (hidden) flag for enabling Ink debug mode.
version boolean Standard --version flag to print the version of this CLI.
v boolean Standard -v flag to print the version of this CLI.
help boolean Standard --help flag to print help on a command.
h boolean Standard -h flag to print help on a command.

Configuration Reference

RudderTyper stores its configuration in a ruddertyper.yml file in the root of your repository.

A sample configuration looks like the following:

# RudderStack RudderTyper Configuration Reference (https://github.com/rudderlabs/rudder-typer)
# Just run `npx rudder-typer` to re-generate a client with the latest versions of these events.

  # You can supply a RudderStack API token using a `script.token` command. The output of `script.token` command should be a valid RudderStack API token.
  token: source .env; echo $RUDDERTYPER_TOKEN
  # You can supply email address linked to your workspace using a `script.email` command.The output of `script.email` command should be an email address registered with your workspace.
  email: source .env: echo $EMAIL
  # You can format any of RudderTyper's auto-generated files using a `script.after` command.
  # See `Formatting Generated Files` below.
  after: ./node_modules/.bin/prettier --write analytics/plan.json

  # Which RudderStack SDK you are generating for.
  # Valid values: analytics.js, analytics-node, analytics-ios, analytics-android.
  sdk: analytics-node
  # The target language for your RudderTyper client.
  # Valid values: javascript, java, objective-c, swift.
  language: javascript
  # Javascript Transpilation Settings
  # Valid values: 'ES3','ES5','ES2015','ES2016','ES2017','ES2018','ES2019','ESNext','Latest'
  scriptTarget: 'ES6'
  # Valid values: 'CommonJS','AMD','UMD','System','ES2015','ESNext'
  moduleTarget: 'ESNext'

  # The RudderStack Tracking Plan that you are generating a client for.
  # Provide your workspace slug and Tracking Plan id
  # You also need to supply a path to a directory to save your RudderTyper client.
  - id: rs_QhWHOgp7xg8wkYxilH3scd2uRID
    workspaceSlug: rudderstack-demo
    path: ./analytics

How to integrate RudderTyper-generated client with your app?

This section includes steps to integrate your RudderTyper-generated client with your app across different RudderStack SDKs.

RudderStack Android SDK

  • Import all the files in the client generated by RudderTyper as a package in your project.

  • Then, you can directly make the calls using the RudderTyper client as shown below:

// Import your auto-generated RudderTyper client:
import com.rudderstack.generated.*

  // Issue your first RudderTyper track call!

RudderStack iOS SDK

  • Import your RudderTyper client into your project using XCode.

Note: If you place your generated files into a folder in your project, import the project as a group not a folder reference.

  • Then, you can directly make the calls using the RudderTyper client as shown:
// Import your auto-generated RudderTyper client:
#import "RSRudderTyperAnalytics.h"

// Issue your first RudderTyper track call!
[RSRudderTyperAnalytics orderCompletedWithOrderID: "ck-f306fe0e-cc21-445a-9caa-08245a9aa52c" total: @39.99];

RudderStack JavaScript SDK

  • Import the RudderTyper-generated client using require() and make the calls if your framework supports them. Otherwise, you can use Browserify to generate a bundle that supports your implementation. The implementation for each of the alternatives mentioned above will be as shown:

Using the require()method

// Import RudderStack JS SDK and initialize it
const rudderanalytics = require('rudder-sdk-js');
rudderanalytics.load(YOUR_WRITE_KEY, DATA_PLANE_URL);
// Import your auto-generated RudderTyper client:
const rudderTyper = require('./rudderTyperClient');
// Pass in your rudder-sdk-js instance to RudderTyper client
  analytics: rudderanalytics,
// Issue your first RudderTyper track call!
  orderID: 'ck-f306fe0e-cc21-445a-9caa-08245a9aa52c',
  total: 39.99,

Using browserify

  • Execute the following command to generate a bundle from the RudderTyper client:
browserify rudderTyperClient.js --standalone rudderTyper >  rudderTyperBundle.js
  • Now you can make calls from your html file as shown:
    rudderanalytics = window.rudderanalytics = [];
    var methods = [
    for (var i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
      var method = methods[i];
      rudderanalytics[method] = (function(methodName) {
        return function() {
    rudderanalytics.load(YOUR_WRITE_KEY, DATA_PLANE_URL);
  <script src="https://cdn.rudderlabs.com/v1/rudder-analytics.min.js"></script>
  <script src="./rudderTyperBundle.js"></script>
  <meta charset="UTF-8" />
  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    analytics: rudderanalytics,
    orderID: 'ck-f306fe0e-cc21-445a-9caa-08245a9aa52c',
    total: 39.99,

RudderStack Node.js SDK:

  • Import the the RudderTyper-generated client and start making calls using RudderTyper as shown:
// Import Rudder Node SDK and intialize it
const Analytics = require('@rudderstack/rudder-sdk-node');
const client = new Analytics(WRITE_KEY, DATA_PLANE_URL / v1 / batch);
const ruddertyper = require('./rudderTyperClient');
// Pass in your rudder-sdk-node instance to RudderTyper.
  analytics: client,
// Issue your first RudderTyper track call!
  orderID: 'ck-f306fe0e-cc21-445a-9caa-08245a9aa52c',
  total: 39.99,


  • To submit a bug report or feature request, file an issue here.
  • To develop on ruddertyper or propose support for a new language, see our contributors documentation.

Contact Us

For queries on any of the sections in this guide, start a conversation on our Slack channel.