
My space on Internet

Primary LanguageSassMIT LicenseMIT

$ whoami

Hi! My name is Aman Sharma and I welcome you to my share of the internet. I created this website to showcase my frontend skills and I really wanted to feel productive during COVID-19 lockdown 😅.

$ uname

Built using TypeScript and React library and indented SASS is used for styling React components.

The development and production processes are automated through Webpack.

ESLint and stylelint are used to stick to the code formatting guidelines.

$ cat credits

Thank you Vineet Arora for spending time to design this and guiding me through the development process!

$ make

  1. Clone the repository using https://github.com/algomaster99/portfolio.git or git@github.com:algomaster99/portfolio.git.

  2. Run npm install to install all dependencies for the application.

  3. Run npm start to start the development server at http://localhost:3000.

  4. You may use npm run code-format and npm run style-format to format the TypeScript and SASS code respectively.

  5. Run npm run build to build the static page for deployment.

$ chown portfolio

If you like the portfolio, please give it a ⭐ and if you want to copy it, please feel free to do so. I will list down the steps for the same.

  1. Fork the repository in yout GitHub account. This will make a copy of my repository and you will be able to edit it.

  2. Edit the constants in consts.d.ts according to your profile.

  3. If you are changing the variable names, please change it in the corresponding file where it is used. You can simply grep over the whole codebase or if you are using VSCode, they have a good search functionality.

  4. If you want to add more content, use the component ContentBox. It takes in to props - header and content. header is optional whereas the content in necessary. Look at some examples below:

<ContentBox header="content box" content="Content with header." />

The above block will render the following:


<ContentBox content="Content without header." />

The above block will render the following:


  1. Change content in meta tags in index.html so that search engines know that it is your website. Feel free to add configuration for your preferred search engines. Please make a PR if you feel like 😄.

  2. Replace me.jpeg in src/assets/ with your photo (preferably squared) with your photo. Make sure to rename it as me.jpeg only.

  3. Replace your résumé with resume.pdf in src/assets/ and make sure to rename it to resume.pdf.

  4. If you would like to add your preferred tech-stack icons', please find their SVGs online and add it to src/assets/icon/ directory. After that, simply import the icon in src/components/skills/index.tsx and append it to the LOGOS array.

  5. Obviously, you are not restricted to the above edits. Feel free to fiddle around with code and add or remove features and make it personalized. If you think, you can add a great feature in the application, don't hesitate to send a pull request or even opening an issue. I will be happy to review it 😌.