
In this project, we build an interactive dashboard using Plotly.js to explore [Belly Button Biodiversity DataSet](http://robdunnlab.com/projects/belly-button-biodiversity/).

Primary LanguageJavaScript


In this project, we build an interactive dashboard using Plotly.js to explore Belly Button Biodiversity DataSet.

Project Overview

  • Create a PIE chart that uses data from your samples route (/samples/<sample>) to display the top 10 samples.
  • Create a Bubble Chart that uses data from your samples route (/samples/<sample>) to display each sample.
  • Display the sample metadata from the route /metadata/<sample>
  • Adapt the Gauge Chart from https://plot.ly/javascript/gauge-charts/ to plot the Weekly Washing Frequency obtained from the /metadata/<sample>route.

Visit my Belly Button Biodiversity ----> https://belly-ruddy.herokuapp.com/