
Data Analytics for Artificial Intelligence (PGDAI_JAN24)

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

NYC predictors of Crime

Mark Finlay - National College of Ireland - x10209221@student.ncirl.ie

Code artifact for Data Analytics Module for PGDAI, August 2024

This exploration has been organized as a set of Jupyter Notebooks. The notebooks should be executed in a specific order as each notebook will mutate the state of the overall exploration in steps.

data folder

Working directory where data is loaded and various iterations of the data is stored.

mappings folder

Some files have been prepared for mapping various columns in the data to ordinal/score and categorical values.

scripts folder

Contains order set of Jupyter note books

  • severity_score.csv - mapping crime types to a severity_score
  • crime_categories.csv - mapping crime types a super category
  • economic_values.csv - mapping property types to an economic score
  • nyc_landmarks.csv - couple of landmarks for context on the geospatial diagrams
  • boundaries - draw borough boundaries on the maps/geospatial diagrams

Running the experiment

The experiment is contained in a number of jupyter notebooks in the script folder. The experiment should be run in the order as set in the file names in the script folder:

Order File Name
1 1 - Loading Data.ipynb
2 2 - NYC Mental Health Services Data Preparation.ipynb
3 3 - NYC Mental Health Services Data Exploration.ipynb
4 4 - NYC Census Data Preparation.ipynb
5 5 - NYC Census Data Exploration.ipynb
6 6 - NYPD Complaints Data Preparation.ipynb
7 7 - NYPD Complaints Data Exploration.ipynb
8 8 - Model Training.ipynb
8 9 - NYC Classification Model Evaluation.ipynb

## Final Model You can download the final trained model here: https://mf-data-analytics.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/nyc_crime_category_random_forest_model_180_18.pkl. It is approx 11.GB in size.

Video Presentation
