
Ropes for Swift based on the article by Boehm, Atkinson, Plass

Primary LanguageSwift


Ropes for Swift based on the article by Boehm, Atkinson, and Plass.


extent: a rope may contain zero or more nested spans called extents. Sometimes, in my notes and code comments, I use parentheses to denote extents.

*Note*: Someday I will rename extents "zones".

    extent controller: every extent has an associated controller
        that either modifies and performs or suppresses rope
        insertions, deletions, et cetera, that overlap the extent.

step: from the exterior of an extent to its interior, from the interior of an extent to its exterior, and across one UTF-16 code unit is one step

index: a labeled entity embedded in a rope, or an Rope.Index struct identifying to such an entity by its label.

adjacent: two indices are adjacent if no *steps* separate them
alias: two indices *alias* one another if they are adjacent
label: an object that uniquely identifies an index
    expired: each embedded index holds a weak reference to
        its label; an index whose reference turns to `nil` is
        *expired*.  Expired indices are cleaned up by occasional
        garbage-collecting sweeps.