
Container image for LaTeX builds

Primary LanguageMakefileMIT LicenseMIT

Container image for LaTeX builds

Container image for reproducible LaTeX builds targeting local and CI usage.
Includes TeXLive full installation as well as draw.io package.

GitHub Actions Status

Using the image

# Bootstrap
podman run --interactive --tty --detach \
  --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN `# for drawio` \
  --env "TERM=xterm-256color" `# colored terminal` \
  --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target="$(pwd)" `# mount your repo` \
  --name latex \
  --userns keep-id `# keeps your non-root username` \
  --workdir "$HOME" `# podman sets homedir to the workdir for some reason` \
podman exec --user root latex bash -c "chown $(id --user):$(id --group) $HOME"

# Execute single command
podman exec --workdir "$(pwd)" latex bash -c 'your_command'

# Attach to container
podman exec --workdir "$(pwd)" --interactive --tty latex bash


Requirements: podman >= 3.4.4, GNU Make >= 4.3



Requirements: Also pdfinfo >= 22

make check


make clean