
Emacs major mode for editing files for the P model checker

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

An Emacs major mode for P

This mode provides support for editing files for the P model checker in Emacs. Currently supports syntax highlighting and expansion of snippets. For a list of snippets, check the p-mode submenu in the "YASnippet" pull-down menu.


Currently, the easiest way to install and set up p-mode is via use-package. To install use-package itself, type:

M-x package-install RET use-package RET

The package p-mode itself is not currently available via package-install. To use it, first check out the source from github, e.g., below the directory ~/source:

mkdir ~/source/
cd ~/source
git checkout https://github.com/rudi/p-mode

Then, add the following to your emacs init file (typically ~/.emacs or ~/.emacs.d/init.el), using the directory where you checked out p-mode:

(use-package p-mode
  :load-path "~/source/p-mode"
  :mode "\\.p\\'"
  :commands (p-mode))

If you use the straight package manager, use the following form:

(setq p-override-pascal-file-type t)
(use-package p-mode
  :straight (:host github :repo "rudi/p-mode" :files ("*.el" "snippets"))
  :ensure t
  :mode "\\.p\\'"
  :commands (p-mode))

NOTE: The above forms associate files with extension .p with p-mode, thereby overriding the pre-existing binding of such types with pascal-mode. To avoid this, remove the line beginning with :mode.