
A stylish clock for your MagicMirror

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This module for the MagicMirror give you the time in a stylish word styled clock!

Image of textclockline Image of textclockfielden Image of textclockfieldse


1. Execute the following commands to install the module:

cd ~/MagicMirror/modules # navigate to module folder
git clone https://github.com/brobergp/MMM-TextClock.git # clone this repository

2. Then, add the following into the modules section of your config/config.js file:

	 module: 'MMM-TextClock',
	 position: 'middle_center',
		config: {
			layout: "Field", //options are "Line" and "Field"
			its24: "HOLY SHIT IS IT", //text before hour
			to24: "BLOODY", //text between hour and minute
			after24: "ALREADY?", //text after minute
			marked: "color: white; font-weight: 400;", //css code to mark current time in Field layout
			offset: 0 //offset in minutes when to change to next text (0 = late; 2 = fuzzy; 5 = early)


Copy the code from the all.css and/or language css to your own custom.css and change whatever you like about the font, color etc. To change the style of the marked words on the clock Field you have to add the css code directily in the config file in the "marked" option.

Language support

as of 2017-04-27 : English, Swedish, German and Dutch.

German translation by garbleflux Dutch translation by pjkoeleman

Configuration options

The following properties can be configured:

option description
timeFormat Default timeformat from config, HH for 24h or h for 12h, don't add this if you want to use the mirror config settings
clang If your mirror language isn't supported, add "en" to this option. See Language support above
layout What type of layout you want, Field or Line are the two options
its24 The text line before hour
to24 The text line between hour and minute
after24 The text line after minute
marked The css code to define the style of current time on the clock Field
offset Offset in minutes when to change to next text (0 = late; 2 = fuzzy; 5 = early)