
Small Swift extensions that make my life easier, see the docs.

Primary LanguageSwift


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RudifaUtilPkg contains swift extensions and utility methods.



struct FileBackedDictionary encapsulates a [String:T] dictionary whose values are automatically persisted, each in its own file.

FileBackedDictionary exposes methods and properties similar to those of the Swift Dictionary.

At its initialization (typically at the application start), an instance of FileBackedDictionary recovers the keys and values from the file storage (if any have been stored in previous application runs).

Usage examples

Create a FileBackedDictionary instance, with a directory named MyResources and struct Resource as type of the values to store.

        let directoryName = "MyResources"
        var fbDict = FileBackedDictionary<Resource>(directoryName: directoryName)

Add Resource instances

        fbDict["apples"] = Resource(name: "apples", value: 1, quantity: 1)
        fbDict["oranges"] = Resource(name: "oranges", value: 2, quantity: 2)
        fbDict["mangos"] = Resource(name: "mangos", value: 3, quantity: 3)

Look up the resource info

        let count = fbDict.count			// 3
        let keys = fbDict.keys			// ["apples", "oranges", "mangos"])
        let values = fbDict.values 		// [...]
        let myOranges = fbDict["oranges"]

Remove resources

        fbDict["oranges"] = nil