
A small collection of Swift utility extensions (iOS and macOS). Discontinued, use RudifaUtilPkg package instead (iOS only).

Primary LanguageSwift

Swift BiPlatform utilities   

by rudifa

Theme: small swift utility extensions, structs and classes, compatible with one of or both iOS and macOS platforms.

This project contains a set of Swift utilities for use in Xcode projects that target one of or both iOS and macOS platforms.

How to use

Source files are found here while the detailed documentation is here.

Copy individual files into your project, or clone the repository and take files of interest from there.


BiPlatformExtensions.swift defines typealiases and extensions for a subset of UIkit | Cocoa classes and methods, to provide equivalent behaviors on both platforms. Typealiases use the prefix NU that aliases to UI on iOS and to NS on macOS.

Definition example

#if os(iOS)
    import UIKit
    typealias NUPanGestureRecognizer = UIPanGestureRecognizer
#elseif os(OSX)
    import Cocoa
    typealias NUPanGestureRecognizer = NSPanGestureRecognizer

Usage example

@objc func handlePan(recognizer: NUPanGestureRecognizer) {...}


CGUtil.swift extends several CG structures and scalars with formatting and with arithmetic operations between CG structures and scalars.

let location = CGPoint(x: 123, y: 456)
print("loc= \(location.fmt)")
loc= (123.0, 456.0)


DateUtil.swift extends struct Date with formatting and time tag properties:



print("--- Today \(date.EEEEddMMyyyy) at \(date.HHmmss) tag= \(date.timeTag)")

--- Today Wednesday 07.08.2019 at 20:13:29 tag= 1565201609_57600

It also extends struct Date with calendar-related methods and properties


It also extends struct Calendar with property



var dd = Date()
print("--- \(dd.ddMMyyyy) is " + (dd.isToday ? "" : "not") + "today")
print("--- \(dd.ddMMyyyy) is " + (dd.isToday ? "" : "not ") + "today")

--- 07.08.2019 is today
--- 07.09.2019 is not today


DebugUtil.swift extends class NSObject with method printClassAndFunc(fnc:info), useful in debugging.

let location = CGPoint(x: 987, y: 654)
printClassAndFunc(info: "loc= \(location)")
---- ViewController.viewDidLoad() loc= (987.0, 654.0)


DictUtil.swift declares a 2-tuple-like struct HashablePair<P1, P2>

struct HashablePair<P1, P2>: Hashable where P1: Hashable, P2: Hashable {
    var p1: P1
    var p2: P2
    init(_ p1: P1, _ p2: P2) { self.p1 = p1; self.p2 = p2 }

which can be used to create a dictionary with that struct as a key. This is a partial workaround for the swift tuple not being useable as a dictionary key.

enum State { case black, red, green, blue }
enum Event { case done, cancel, reset }
typealias State_Event = HashablePair<State, Event>

let dictionary: Dictionary<State_Event, State> = [
    State_Event(.black, .cancel): .red,
    State_Event(.black, .done): .black,
    State_Event(.red, .cancel): .black,


HexUtil.swift extends struct String with property .hexDump


let string = "Hello Swift\t"
let hexdump = string.hexDump
print("---- \(string) \(hexdump)")

---- |Hello Swift	| |48 65 6c 6c 6f 20 53 77 69 66 74 09|
let string = "flags 🇧🇷🇳🇿"
let hexdump = string.hexDump
print("---- \(string) \(hexdump)")

---- |flags 🇧🇷🇳🇿| |66 6c 61 67 73 20 1f1e7 1f1f7 1f1f3 1f1ff|


NUConstraintsUtil.swift extends class NUView (typealias for UIView | NSView) with method addConstraintsWithFormat(format:options:metrics:views:) that facilitates the use of Apple Auto Layout Visual Format Language in swift code.

view.addConstraintsWithFormat(format: "H:|-50-[v0(150)]-8-[v1(150)]", views: label1, label2)


OptionalUtil.swift extends enum Optional with func increment(val:) so that an Int? can be freely incremented (defaults to 0 if nil)

var ival: Int?
assert(ival == 1)


RegexUtil.swift extends struct String with methods:

.matches(for regex: String) -> [String]
.isBlank() -> Bool
.doesMatch(regex: String) -> Bool
.extractUUID() -> String
var string = "🇩🇪€4.95"
var matched = string.matches(for: "[0-9]")
print("----", string, matched, "blank= \(string.isBlank())")

---- 🇩🇪€4.95 ["4", "9", "5"] blank= false


StringUtil.swift extends struct String with property .camelCaseSplit

let string = "camelCaseSplit"
print("---- |\(string)| |\(string.camelCaseSplit)|")

---- |camelCaseSplit| |Camel Case Split|


UIUtil.swift (iOS only) extends class UIAlertController with method show() which presents the alert from a (possibly) non-UIViewController object.