class NetworkMonitor
uses NWPathMonitor()
from Apple's Network
is a singleton, providing the isConnected
status to any of the app's
view controllers.
usage in a ViewController:
- get the current state when you need it
print(NetworkMonitor.shared.connected ? "is connected" : "is disconnected"
- add a handler to get a notification when the connectivity changed
NetworkMonitor.shared.handler = { isConnected in
print(isConnected ? "is connected" : "is disconnected")
- if the handler references the view controller's self, it must declare
[weak self]
to avoid memory retention cycles
NetworkMonitor.shared.handler = { [weak self] isConnected in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self?.connectedLabel.text = isConnected ? "connected" : "disconnected"
See also:
Network Framework in iOS: How to Monitor Network Status Changes
What Is a Singleton and How To Create One In Swift
Weak self and unowned self explained in Swift
The app consists of several ViewControllers which use Show segues to present siblings and unwind segues to return to the controller that presented them. The app contains a NetworkMonitor.shared which runs its monitoring while the app is running.
The app may go into the background and later come back from background.
Each ViewController shall have a Network StatusLabel just underneath the Status Bar. StatusLabel shall be invisible (hidden) whenever the device is connected to the internet, and visible with text "∆ No Network" when disconnected.
StatusLabel shall be updated or kept up to date: 3.1 when a presented ViewController appears on the screen (hiding the presenting VC) 3.2 when a presented ViewController disappears from the screen (unhiding the presenting VC) 3.3 when the connectivity changes 3.4 when the app comes back from the background
Current concepts and principles:
- NetworkMonitor.shared is static, therefore it is initialized on the first access after the app start.
- NetworkMonitor monitors the network connection status until the app exits.
- ViewControllers wishing to display the connection status must install a handler.
- NetworkMonitor will call the handler upon its installation and when the connection status changes.
- Only one client's handler can be instaled at a time.