
Navigation made easy

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Navigation made easy


System wide

gem install nav

In your Gemfile

gem 'nav'


Nav is writte for ActionView::Base and can be used in your rails views like so:

<%= nav do |n| %>
  <% n.action "Home", "/" %>
  <% n.action "Login", login_url %>
<% end %>

When rendered, this generates the following:

  <li class="first current first_current">
    <a href="/">Home</a>
  <li class="last after_current last_after_current">
    <a href="/login">Login</a>

It will determine the current page you are on and add the current class to the

  • element. Also, the element before and after the current element have the classes before_current and after_current Additionally, Nav will mark the first and last
  • element of the list as first and last. Like so, you can apply styles accordingly.

    Adding attributes to the nav element

    You can give any possible html option to nav, like id, classes, etc.

    <%= nav :class => 'main' do |n| %>
    <% end %>

    Which results in

    <ul class='main'>

    Adding attributes to an action

    Disabling an action

    You are able to add specific behaviour when defining an action. For instance, if you want to disable a specific element, you may pass disabled to it. It will add a disabled class to the li element.

    <%= nav do |n| %>
      <% n.action "Disabled", "/", :disabled => true %>
    <% end %>

    Manually set the current action

    In case want to define which of the elements is the current one. You can pass current as option. This can be done in various ways.

    <%= nav do |n| %>
     <% n.action "My special current", "/", :current => true %>
    <% end %>
    Regular Expression

    Pass a regular expression to the :current: argument. For instance, the following will mark any url as current that has "account", followed by a "/" and any type of numeric value, like "account/1" or "user/account/123". However, "account/my" will not match.

    <%= nav do |n| %>
     <% n.action "My special current", "/", :current => /account\/\d+/ %>
    <% end %>

    Pass a Proc in order to determine the current on the fly. Make sure that it returns true or false.

    <%= nav do |n| %>
     <% n.action "My special current", "/", :current => Proc.new { !current_user.nil? } %>
    <% end %>

    Custom actions

    If you prefer to not use links for your navigation or simply want to customize your navigation, you may do so by padding a block to the action.

    You can use any rails view helpers or just good old plain html. The following examples are equivalent:

    <%= nav do |n| %>
      <% n.action :class => 'customized' do %>
      <% end %>
    <% end %>
    <%= nav do |n| %>
      <% n.action :class => 'customized' do %>
        <%= content_tag :span, 'Home' %>
      <% end %>
    <% end %>

    ... and will result in:

      <li class="last">

    Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Rudolf Schmidt, released under the MIT license