
An advertise ready Space Invaders HTML5 porting. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution - Share Alike 3.0 - Unported license (CC BY-SA 3.0).

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Advertise Invaders

An "advertise ready" Space Invaders HTML5 porting. Please, play a demo on: http://arcadejhs.github.io/AdvertiseInvaders/index.html

Save your score

The game saves/loads the best score saved on DB. Simple PHP and MySQL scripts are provided to save best score (unfortunately in the online demo, hosted on github pages, the PHP script is not active).

  • /source/DB.sql: create a simple DB with a table on which you can save game scores.
  • /assets/php/config.php: configure your DB connection.

Tweet your score

You can tweet your score on "game over".

Arduino joystick support

Added support for joystickIno. Check: https://github.com/arcadeJHS/joystickIno.

Check and replace the configuration at:

	inputHandler: joystickHandler,
	wsAddress: "ws://localhost:8000"

Browser support

Tested on Chrome, Firefox, Opera, IE10 (pretty good on IE9). The game is quite ready to be played on a tablet (touch controls will appear) - tested on an iPad mini.


  • No sounds on mobile.
  • Better "resizing" support.